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Hello! My name is Denise. And in the lines below I'm going to tell you about the most beautiful sexual experience I've ever had and how my life fell apart due to sex. So sit back, fasten your seat belts and enjoy.


January 15, 2022

I walk up the stairs to my apartment, in the center of Cluj, a prosperous city in Romania. I'm thinking, just what a terrible day I've had. The boss shouted continuously. The client in America wants to fire us for some bug in the app we built for him.

Sometimes I hate my life.

My apartment is small but chic. It has a kitchen, a bathroom and a room. The interior design of the room is modern, luxurious and spacious, with a sofa that can be turned into a bed, furniture with a futuristic design and a coffee table in the middle.

I'm making a hot chocolate to warm me up (it's the middle of January) and sweeten my life.

In the room, I put the chocolate on the coffee table and unfold the couch. I place the sheet on the couch that has become a bed and change into my pajamas.

I am small in stature, I have black and curly hair. I am fit and my body seduces men from the first look. My small lips, with their delicate curve, often betray a glimpse of the vast range of emotions I experience.

Although it's only 6 o'clock in the evening, I want to see what happened today around the country and go to bed. It's Friday, so hopefully I'll sleep until Monday. At the news... nothing new. The same political scandals: politicians caught with plagiarism, with unjustified paintings of millions of euros on the walls or who sexually harassed subordinates. This is what you see every day on the news.

So I turn off the TV, drink half of the hot chocolate and close my eyes. After a few minutes, I hear:

Beep - Beep - Beep

I check my phone. It's a message from my best friend, Anna:

Download this app. You can have some fun.

I opened the link and downloaded the app she told me about. It's an anonymous chat app with strangers. No registration.

It should be fun.

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