84.1. Ryuuto No More - Part 1

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Erik and Gotrid follow me into the meeting room without saying anything. I'm still projecting my love to make them feel comfortable, but I closed off my thoughts from them completely. I know that it's hurting their feelings, but I can't afford to be distracted.

Liana doesn't meet my eyes even once and keeps her head down. Even though I don't need direct touch or eye contact to read her thoughts because I'm perfectly attuned to her, I decide not to pry and respect her privacy.

I feel careful enthusiastic anticipation coming from the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence. They suspect that I'm going to say something extremely important and sensitive. I seat myself in the best chair available and order the guards to keep the rest of the Japanese delegation outside. They protest, but Ichikawa waves at them and the door is closed.

"The information I'm about to share," I start, giving them both a strict gaze, "is for the Japanese government only. Is that clear?"

"Perfectly clear, Your Majesty," the Prime Minister nods and nudges his colleague. The Minister of Defence nods after a few seconds, his expression tense.

"Hayashi-san was right, we aren't telling you the whole truth," I admit, but my tone isn't apologetic. I'm just static a fact. If I have to learn that I don't need to explain myself, I'd better start practising right away.

"About...?" the Prime Minister gulps because there are so many mysteries still left unsolved. It can be any of them.

"We do know who my father is," I reveal, "and you do as well, you just didn't make that connection, Ichikawa-san. There's no shame in that, I wouldn't know either if he didn't tell me himself at the UN summit in New York."

"Wait, it's someone I know?" Ichikawa widens his eyes. "Who?"

I take a deep breath. I'm putting my trust in these two politicians I barely know. It's a gamble, but I'm willing to take that risk.

"Haruto Taketa," I say simply.

Ichikawa and Hayashi exchange panicked glances and their distress doesn't come from the fact that they both know the person in question and failed to make that connection. There's something more to that. It's almost as if they are genuinely afraid of him.

"Are you sure, Your Majesty?" Ichikawa's voice is tense.

"He arranged for my severed feather to be stolen to do a DNA testing," I nod. "There's no doubt."

"So you're Ryuuto Takeda, the only heir to the Azuchi Group?" Hayashi shakes his head in disbelief. He certainly didn't expect that when he accused me of my father being involved.

"I'm the Celestial Emperor Aefener," I correct him. "But yes, I guess I am also that."

Ichikawa and Hayashi look at each other again and I notice that they start sweating.

"That's all we know, though," I conclude as I have no intention to tell them about my telepathy.

"Why telling us now?" Hayashi narrows his eyes.

"I hate to admit it, but we lack resources so our investigation didn't uncover anything that isn't publicly known," I sigh. "As for why I'm coming out with it now... well, let's say you persuaded me with your honesty, Hayashi-san."

The Minister of Defence studies me for a second, and then his pursed lips relax. It seems I finally managed to gain his trust.

"Ichikawa-san, I might be wrong, but I noticed that the name of my father startled you," I choose my words carefully to avoid suspicion.

"It did, I won't hide that, Your Majesty," the Prime Minister says openly. "Azuchi Group and their CEO in particular have quite a history with the Japanese government."

"Bad history?" I lean forward.

"It's more complicated than that," Ichikawa shakes his head. "Could we please ask for some time to discuss the matter with the rest of our government? I'm afraid that Haruto Takeda being Your Majesty's father changes a lot of things."

"I understand, take all the time you need," I allow. "Tell whoever you need within your government, but I ask for your discretion."

"We won't fail your trust, Your Majesty," the Prime Minister assures me.

The meeting room grows unnaturally quiet when the Japanese ministers leave because Liana is too shaken to speak up without permission. I use quiet time to think for a moment. What if the Japanese will need to know about my telepathy to follow up with the investigation? Am I prepared to tell the world and face the consequences? Will that make my father and the Divementis angry? I hope it won't come to that.

"Love?" Gotrid pulls my sleeve gently, not sure if he can interrupt me, but I've probably been quiet for too long.

"I'm tired," I sigh because exhaustion overcomes me like a wave now that the adrenaline is gone. I realise that my head is pounding slightly. "Li, see to it that all our guests leave the mansion and we will talk after I take a short power nap."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Liana bows and goes to fulfil my order. I hate to see her being afraid of me and using honorifics instead of my name, but changes need to be made. I was soft for too long.

"Hon? Would you open up to us again? Your head is hurting, isn't it?" Erik helps me stand up.

"A bit," I confess. "But don't worry, I'm just tired."

They both bite their lips at the same time. Seriously, how can they be so different in almost everything, but, at the same time, so similar when it comes to taking care of me? They suspect I'm not telling them something, but they don't push me about it which I really appreciate.

We walk to our suite in silence, but when it comes to me lying down, I open up to them a little and we snuggle which brightens their mood. I connect to their minds and I hope that my father doesn't monitor all my sleep and he will let me have this brief period of rest I desperately need.

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