Trial and Error

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Back where we left off, Grandmaster Walker decides to help teach Jess how to be a good chooser for heroes, instead of the vengeful way she had last time. "Ok, so despite the fact your friends don't sound the best, I might be able to let them be heroes, IF, you can prove it to me." Walker said. "They are good friends. Just ones where we can be a little toxic, have some differences, and sometimes have grudges against." Jess replied. "Right. Gotcha. And you, Aeon. You think you are good friends with them?" Walker asked. "Based on my calculations, somewhat. We are good friends about 65%." Aeon replied. "Sure, it's low, but could be worse am I right?" Jess asked. "Right, I'm starting to think this isn't the right choice. However, you need to take risks if you want to succeed. Now the first important lesson to have when picking members for a good team is Number 1, everyone must not be the same. Now, I'm not talking about personality or attitude of course. I'm talking about what skills can they bring to the table. Basic characteristics. It's a way for the team to be diverse and also allows you to be ready for certain situations. Let me give you an example. You need to stop a bank robbery. Do you think it's better if all of you care about being strong, and want to wreck the robbers? That sounds cool, but the damage will be fatal of course. However, if you had a planner, a spy, a trapper, a fast runner, and someone strong, that can be helpful." Walker replied. "Wouldn't that mean we wouldn't agree all the time? You know, since we have a different view on how to do things?" Jess asked. "Glad you asked. This leads to Number 2 of my point, despite differences, you all must cooperate. This is why every great team has a team leader. One to keep them in check. Keep them in control. This of course is where you come in Jess. It needs to be your job to keep them all in control. Not in a control freak way. Rather, in a way that makes you respectful, and chill. You all may have a different view on things, or how to fight, but what's important is that you simply have the same objective. Fighting crime." Walker replied. "No problem. I can handle being a team leader." Jess said. "You sure you mean that or are you still hunger to give your friends a taste of their own medicine?" Walker asked. "Uhhh." Jess replied knowing he got her. "We'll work on that later. Now comes Number 3, accept different views or opinions. We all know that it's impossible to say what you want, wherever you want. Why? Because people think it's the end of humanity if you hear an opinion different from theirs. It's absurd. When it comes to a team scenario, respecting different views or opinions helps build a strong team. Shows them you are ok with what they view. It's no big deal to them. Of course, there are certain things we can agree are awful, and for those who do, idiots. Pure minded idiots. But what happens if there is an opinion you don't respect? Simply tell them, well, I don't agree with you on that, but whatever. If that's how you view it, I will respect it. That's it. Not that hard." Walker replied. "Too bad people still don't get that memo whatsoever." Aeon said. "The robot is getting more and more of my respect. She knows what she's doing." Walker replied. "And I don't?" Jess asked. "You were planning to give powerful weapons to your friends, who sound very sus, just to teach them a lesson. You have some work to do. So with all three soaked in your mind like a sponge in water, comes the fourth, and final step. Number 4, Repeat. Yes. You heard me. The final step is to repeat. Not be the same, must cooperate, respect opinions, repeat. That my friends is the four-step plan to building any good superhero team." Walker replied. "So I just need to do all of those, and I'm good?" Jess asked. "Yes. Now, let's see if your friends can be worthy of such great power. [opens Jess' notebook, and reads through it]. Ok, so based on Number 1, all of your friends seem to have different characteristics. Erin Janet looks after her BFF but also wants to be a mechanic. Loves rock and plays the violin. The question, how does that work?" Walker asked. "Erin sort of has a weird view on music, but it's fine to me." Jess replied. "Same here. Jess plays the guitar. So they both got along well when they found out." Aeon said. "Respecting her views on music despite how odd they sound. A good way to follow Number 3. [flips page]. Arkin Wes. Loves to steal, but does know when to stop. Also can be a rat. God, I hate rats. Ok, so Arkin sounds not like a good pick, but the one who knows when to stop and learn from his errors is great. So he gets a maybe. [flips page]. Travis Belcher. Hipster dude. Wants everyone to embrace love in any way possible. However, he is self-aware that some people don't deserve forgiveness or love. Ok. He wants others to feel loved but knows who doesn't. He too is a good choice. [flips page]. Fiona Vee. Don't get on her bad side. She is furious that way. However, she does have a very soft, caring side to her. Loves to support charity, and even loves to carve wooden objects. Ok, I already know the miraculous for her. Woodpecker." Walker replied. "We dig her wood art as well. Also, there is a woodpecker miraculous? Nice." Jess said. "And the power, well, I'll let that be a surprise. So far, another yes." Walker replied.

    Some time goes on, and in the end, Walker closes the notebook. "I must say, that went better than I expected. Even if they are all your friends, you did manage to impress me with what you gave me." Walker said. "What can I say? I have great friends." Jess replied. "Slightly great friends." Aeon said. "My only complaint is this. There aren't enough. We need two more people to fill in." Walker replied. "I'll find options for you sometime later. Right now, it's smart if we work with what we have." Jess said. "True, and fair. Now here is what I think is best. [Jess and Aeon get excited about his answer]. Only Erin, Travis, Mikey, Saul, and James get their miraculous. Everyone else gets none." Walker replied. "No!!! I don't want that! I want all of them to get a miraculous! Also, you said Arkin is a maybe. Almost everyone I've seen says maybe means yes in the end." Jess said. "Not today." Walker replied. "Come on Jess. Look on the bright side. We got some of our friends. Surprised Mikey made it on there." Aeon said. "The whole Noir thing sounds weird, but he can be helpful when it comes to dead ends. Now, luckily for you, I will allow you to pick the miraculous you want to give them. It's all on you Jess." Walker replied. "No! I refuse to do this if all my friends can't be a holder!" Jess yelled. They all gasp, even Liiri, who flies out. "Ok, that's not a good independent leader." Liiri said. "I'm sorry. I just... I can't afford to see them all get anything in return for how they treated us. I already explained I wanted to make them heroes to give them a taste of their own medicine. Then I can go, whose laughing now punks!" Jess yelled. "Jess, that's no way to build a team. That's just being petty and mean. That rhyme was not intentional btw." Liiri said. "I don't care. [gets emotional]. I don't care. [sits down]. Do you have any idea what it's like, to want to be someone that makes you, you? Have everyone around you tell you a joke, that what your doing is a waste of time, and that the dream you want to follow is pointless. It's not fun one bit. You agree with me. Don't you Aeon?" Jess asked on the verge of tears. "Robots can't feel emotions, but yes. Jess has a point. It is aggravating how no one takes us seriously." Aeon replied. "Exactly. It's pure insanity. So when I finally made it. Where I finally became a hero. Where New York gave me the respect Aeon and I both deserve, I just want to go to all the haters and see them shocked out of their minds. That's all I ever want to see from my friends. To make them wish they didn't laugh at me." Jess said. "I understand. And your still pals with them?" Liiri asked. "Well, one of them left us, but we don't speak about him. Either way, we have been good pals since 7th grade. We did everything together. Go out, study, and have fun. Even if we had our differences, we still were there for each other. Have each other's back. And above all, respect our views. No matter how different they are. So just for me to respect their views, while they make fun of Aeon's and me, makes me feel backstabbed." Jess replied. "Oh. So, let me get this straight. You are still friends with them, you respect their views, but the only bad part of it all is the fact they don't respect what you like?" Walker asked. "Yes! Now can you see why I want payback?" Jess asked back. "I do. And I can see what you mean. But that's no way to view this at all. So, all of them don't respect your dream?" Walker asked. "Well, not anymore. All of them are happy for me, and they want to be heroes as well. Sounds selfish, but hey. If it means I can make them pay, then I'm taking that deal." Jess replied. "Ok, ok. I'm starting to better understand this. [thinks]. Tell you what? I'll put in some thought about the others. In the meantime, I will allow you to give two miraculous to any of the people I approve of. So either Erin, Travis, Mikey, Saul, or James." Walker said. "What? So your just ok with allowing the ones who sound sus a miraculous?" Jess asked. "I'm a sympathetic person, even if you sound like not the best person. Of course, they need to prove they can do it, so we'll see." Walker replied. "[cools it with the emotions, and gets up]. Ok. Ok, I'll do it. I'll choose my first heroes based on the five you approved of." Jess said. "Perfect. Now comes the most important step of them all. [grabs box, and opens it up]. Take your pick." Walker replied.

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