Electric Excavation

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Eagle pulls with all her might to tighten a rope containing three punks.  She cleans her hands, and the others stand by her side.  "Ok.  Great job squad.  Took out three punks, and saved an old lady from getting mugged."  Eagle said.  "Why thank you four so much.  Here.  A little token of my appreciation.  Literally."  The old lady replied as she gives them all a silver dollar.  "Oh, nice.  Not a problem mam.  All in a day's work."  Lightwing said.  "Speaking of work, time for you guys to give me back your miraculous.  We have all something very important going on today."  Eagle replied.  "Come on, Jess.  I mean, Eagle.  It's been four days since we started being heroes, and we have cleaning these streets as if we were a vacuum."  Lightwing said.  "Yeah.  Why can't we keep our miraculous now?"  Brother Bear asked.  "She called me Jess, and not Eagle.  Is that enough?"  Eagle asked back.  "[sighs].  Fine.  I guess we can give you what you want."  Lightwing replied.  "You'll keep your miraculous eventually.  Just when I say it's appropriate.  Uncanny I will take Brother Bear.  You, Lightwing.  Let's move."  Eagle ordered.  The four heroes then disburse.  "I have no clue what they are talking about."  The old lady said.  Back at the slaughterhouse, Jess gives Walker both miraculous.  "[sniffs].  Jesus!  It smells like a cow left to die in sweat.  How do you put up with this?"  Jess asked.  "You are the one who offered me this place, and this is nothing to me.  As a guardian, we went through training, unlike any hardcore training in your life."  Walker replied.  "Strong soul.  You know Grandmaster Walker, Jess and I were wondering.  It's been a few days since we became heroes, and all in all, we are doing great."  Aeon said.  "That is correct.  By the looks of your reports, [turns on TV] you are your team have been working well."  Walker replied.  He replays old moments of the team.  They stop a train, them saving a drunk driver from making a clown out of himself, and they even help a few kids off a bus that nearly blew up.  "You guys have been doing a lot of extreme crimes lately.  Is New York always like this?"  Walker asked.  "Not one bit,"  Jess replied.  "Now, back to what I was saying.  Since they have been doing a great job, do you think it's time we let them keep their miraculous?'  Aeon said.  "Hmm, good question.  And good lesson.  For the question, no.  For the lesson, listen up.  You need to understand that some people can't be trusted with a huge responsibility.  A small one?  Yes.  A massive one each as holding onto a powerful weapon?  Nope.  But, that's not to mean they can never be trusted.  Some people don't seem trustworthy, but can soon be trustworthy.  If you get what I mean."  Walker replied.  "I see.  So what your saying is, no, they cannot keep their miraculous, but at some point onward they will?"  Aeon asked.  "Yep.  However, there may be a friend of yours who can be worthy of keeping a miraculous right off the bat.  If he or she has the skills needed to be trusted."  Jess replied.  "We understand.  Until then, we give them their powers, then take them back.  That's how it goes."  Aeon said.  "[looks at phone].  OH CRAP!!!  We need to go to Aeon.  We are almost late for our field trip."  Jess yelled.  "Geez!  We are!  Thanks for the note, Walker.  Bye, bye."  Aeon replied as she becomes Uncanny Valley.  She grabs Jess, and they storm out of there.  Walker watches them fly off.  "I know they are kids, but they always impress me every day.  The power of growing up."  Walker said. 

Most of Jess' friends from her wood class are now outside the destination for their field trip.  ReX Cooperations.  The kids are still on the bus, and all their TVs above them start to play something.  "Hello, I'm Wilson Ward.  Founder, and owner of ReX Cooperations.  What once was a business I lose years ago, quickly became my biggest comeback of the century. Our main purpose in life is to give not just New York, but the entire world advanced products to keep them safe 247.  Now, you can say we have superheroes to keep us safe, but you then remember, sometimes they can't always be there for us.  Thanks to my team and I, we create advanced weaponry to serve as Plan B, once Plan A has crashed and burned.  We got plasma knives, blasters, and staff that can electrocute people. And those are only the three, of over one hundred types of weapons you can choose from. Now with custom attachments before purchase.  And to top it all off, we price our tools at a price that is so affordable, even your kids can have one.  Talk about a real save.  ReX Cooperations: here it makes you, your superhero."  Wilson said in the ad.  The bus then stops at its location. "Fiona is here.  Saul is here.  Mikey is here.  That leaves Jess and Aeon."  Miss Jenkins said.  "Here!!!"  Jess yelled as she runs with Aeon.  They stop in front of their teacher.  Jess is taking deep breaths as if they ran a 5K.  "Of course.  You two are always late for class.  No matter.  You made it anyway."  Miss Jenkins said.  Jess continues to take deep breaths.  "What's wrong Jess?  Did you see a nice pic of me, and it took your breath away?"  Quinn asked as Jess looks up.  "Oh great.  It's you, Quinn."  Jess replied disgusted.  "Ohh yes, that reminds me.  Quinn will not be joining our wood carving class."  Miss Jenkins said.  "Piano was, well... [plays piano, but ends up breaking it for how hard his fingers pounded the board]... was a show stopper.  So, I choose to carve next."  Quinn replied.  "Yep.  I'm dropping this class now."  Kenny said, who gets hit in the side by Fiona.  "Either way, welcome to class.  This is going to be a weird first day for you.  We are here at ReX Cooperations for a little field excavation.  Everyone here knows that carving wood is an art.  How it can change lives.  Improve lives.  Make them better for us to see.  Whether you build a house or some nice object for your grandma.  It can be expressed in many ways that will improve others.  So today, we are looking at a place that does that 247.  Now come along children.  We have a lot of learning to do that's not wood carving."  Miss Jenkins replied.  The kids all move along, as Jess continues to be disgusted at Quinn.  He smirks at her, as they walk in. 

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