Arc Nemesis

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Grandmaster Walker watches brand new news reports on the events of Crystallized, and the United Heroez.  Sitting there, groaning in disappointment, Jess and Aeon stand beside him nervous.  Once the news report ends, he sighs.  "So, we have a supervillain on the loose, who uses amethyst as weapons, and you're telling me he defeated four of you guys at once?"  Walker asked.  "Well, no, you see what happened was... yes he did,"  Jess confessed.  "If you did try to lie to me, I would smell it a mile away.  Try me."  Walker said.  "Yes, Grandmaster,"  Jess replied.  "Despite what happened sir, we will get him next time.  We learn from our errors, to grow into better people.  The four of us will get him the second we see a sigh of amethyst."  Aeon replied.  "Oh, I know you will.  And don't say four.  Say five."  Walker said.  He then grabs the Native American Box and opens the lid.  "The time has come you choose your next ally.  Take your pic, and give it to whom you believe is worth it.  Speaking of, and I'm going to regret this a lot, but why not.  I guess I can allow Arkin and Fiona to be heroes as well."  Walker said.  "Ohh?  Nice!"  Jess yelled.  "But I would suggest giving one to James, Saul, and Mikey first.  Then proceed to those two."  Walker said.  "Gotcha.  Now, what miraculous should I take next?  Hmmm, [looks at the selection she can choose from.  From Goose to Raven.  From Falcon to Salmon].  I got it.  [grabs feather bracelet].  Wolf."  Jess replied.  "Ahhh, excellent choice.  That grabs the power to super scent.  One sniff of a single object, and you basically can have a whole mystery solved."  Walker said.  "Meaning we could find who Crystallized is with this,"  Aeon replied.  "Exactly.  Just remember the whole five-minute timer on it as well.  Once those five minutes are up, the trail ends.  Use that time wisely."  Walker said.  "We will, Grandmaster.  Let's move, Aeon."  Jess replied.  They both leave, and Walker sighs the second they depart from the door.  "I have faith in these kids, but I'm worried about what this guy is capable of,"  Walker said.

Speaking of Crystallized, he is standing in a dark room with a white light shining above him.  In front of him, Wilson Ward standing menacingly.  "I don't understand it, sir.  I don't.  The miraculous was right there.  I could have taken them, and we would have won.  Why did you order me to let them live?"  Crystallized asked.  "Because it's all part of the fun.  Why bother leaving them to die right then and there?  If you want to be remembered as a great villain, you need to do more than assassinate them.  You need to assassinate their character first.  Because that's how you make a great murderer these days.  Making everyone remember the true darkness in your soul."  Wilson replied.  "Your insane, sir.  We could have won.  We could have the power we wanted.  The power you promised me."  Crystallized said.  "And you'll get that power, my friend.  In the meantime, just toy with them some more.  Make them look like chumps.  Losers.  Weaklings.  Prove to the city of New York that these so-called "United Heroez" are not the saviors of the city.  Besides, did you know people love it when they see a hero fail, fall, or better, die?  In just a matter of time, they will all lose respect for them.  Every loss is a tiny bit of respect exterminated from the city's hearts.  Character assassinated.  Then you need to go for the kill.  Life assassinated.  Don't you see what I mean?"  Wilson asked.  "I see.  Well, what do I get out of this aside from power?"  Crystallized asked.  "I'll do you a solid.  Double your money."  Wilson replied.  Crystallized then gets pumped, and powers up his weapons.  "If you need me, I'll be tormenting some little kids.  Wait, no.  That sounds bad."  Crystallized said as he walks away.  Wilson this forms a insidious smile on his greedy face, as he watches his minion get to work.

At Joe's Pizza, Jess and Aeon once again sit in their spot savoring some luscious, cheesy pizza, as they get to work.  Alongside them are the other kwamis, Liiri, Crackle, and Grizz.  All of whom get a taste of the dough.  "Hmm, I'm more into pop rocks, but this is truly amazing,"  Crackle said.  "Yeah.  [slurps up some cheese].  And it's only four bucks a slice?  No wonder they are making a killing."  Grizz replied.  "When it comes to New York pizza, it's just like life itself.  A competition.  Everywhere you go, you see people trying to be the best.  Saying, we have the best slice, or, best pizza ever, some may even say, we invented the New York pizza.  It's everywhere.  And the prices are amazing as well.  You can get a good slice of pizza for about a dollar."  Aeon said.  "So why charge four bucks for one here?  And how on Earth is it working so well?  I mean, look at this crowd."  Grizz asked as he points to the massive line of people leading outside.  "I see what you mean, but you have to admit, this pizza is gas as some like to say it.  So it makes sense to charge a few extra bucks for it."  Aeon replied.  "Ahh, the power of capitalism.  If only someone decided to believe that politics aren't boring."  Liiri said pointing to Jess.  "I'm never going to like politics, Liiri.  Try me."  Jess replied.  "Anyway, who do you think should get the Wolf?"  Aeon asked.  "I already made my choice.  And you're not going to guess who it is.  Mikey Josh." Jess replied. The others gasp. "Really? Him? The Noir weirdo?" Liiri asked. "I expected that reaction, but hear me out. Yes, Mikey is a walking Noir fanatic, who gets on my nerves, but at the same time, he's my friend." Jess replied. "Who you want to taste his own medicine by giving him this power," Crackle said. "Well, yes I do. But that's not the point. The point is, Wolf grants super scent, right? And Mikey loves being a Noir guy correct? Put two and two together, and bam! We have a good combination."  Jess replied.  "Hmm, good point, Jess.  But are you sure we should use him?"  Liiri asked.  "I'm sure he'll be done with it.  I mean, all my friends are right?"  Jess asked back.  "But he didn't seem to beg for a miraculous, unlike the others.  He just seems like some Noir-loving role player."  Liiri replied.  "I still say we do it.  Aeon, gather the others immediately.  Liiri, you come with me.  It's time."  Jess said.  The gang packs up before they crowd their way out of the restaurant and into an alleyway.  "Liiri, wings of liberty,"  Jess said as she transforms into Eagle.  Aeon becomes Uncanny Valley will a push of a button on her wrist.  "We meet at Times Square ok?"  Eagle asked.  "On it."  Uncanny Valley replied.  They both leave to do this part, with Jess' being the most important.

United Heroez Season 1: The Next GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now