Bottom of the Barrel

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We start with an alarm clock going off, and it slowly being turned off.  The man who responded to that alarm is none other, than Vic, ReX's top scientist.  He rises from bed at a snail's pace and goes to get dressed for the day.  His room is all old, ragged, and messy.  Before long, he is now in his outfit, and ready for work.  He watches down a big flight of stairs, using his cane for assistance, until he nearly breaks his foot at the bottom.  "Phew!  That was a close one."  Vic said.  "VICKY!!!"  The kid screamed as he runs into Vic's arms.  It makes Vic fall backward, and nearly break his back.  He does however scream in some pain, as he lands.  "Please, get off me!  Now!"  Vic yelled.  "But, I thought you like hugs from us?"  Kid asked.  "That is correct, and I always will in my burning soul, but you need to remember about my illness.  The one that can make me crumpled like paper."  Vic replied.  "Oh yeah.  Super sorry, Vicky."  Kid said.  "Please, just don't do it again,"  Vic replied.  "There, there, Timmy.  Vic is a great man, but he is also a very fragile one, who needs to go to work."  The woman said, as she takes the kid off of Vic.  "[gets up slowly].  Thanks, Meg."  Vic replied.  "Anything for you, my fellow Vic,"  Meg said.  Vic smiles, and even almost blushes at that statement.  However, he regains focus and leaves his so-called home. It's St. Jude's Orphanage, where he sees numerous kids playing outside. He slowly walks over to work. Step by step, he makes his way to his job.

    At work, Wilson inspects the ruby Moon Fang brought to him. "I can see the energy coursing in this stone. All the power I need to perfect my legacy." Wilson said in an evil tone. That's when Moon Fang comes back into his office. "Do you have the other parts I need?" Wilson asked. "Like you asked. The smallest core reactor you can think of, some special wires, bolts, and a glass tin for the smallest core reactor you can think of." Moon Fang replied. "Is it small enough to fit this ruby in?" Wilson asked. "Yes." Moon Fang replied. "That's a good boy," Wilson said. "Don't call me that. Anyway, I gave you what you want. I got you that Ruby. I got you the electronics. It's all there for your so-called villain. What villain did you even plan to make with this? Another crystal baddie?" Moon Fang asked. "It would be easy to tell you upfront, but I'll let it speak for itself when he strikes. Literally." Wilson replied. "Ok, ok. Now, about our deal. I gave you the parts, all of them needed. So, does that mean I'm... free to go?" Moon Fang asked. "Yes. You have my permission to be set free. However, just remember. You can snitch on me if you want, but if you do, then I'll tell everyone your little secret. Understand?" Wilson asked. "[sighs]. Yes." Moon Fang replied. "God, I love bribery. Now leave. Leave, before I change my mind." Wilson said. Moon Fang obeys, and he leaves Wilson with his parts.

    Soon after that confrontation, Moon Fang sits on a rooftop all alone. "Ok, so that didn't go so well. I helped Wilson create his next villain, which probably will cause loads of mass chaos going forward. Technically, I was blackmailed, so it isn't my fault. Only a tiny, tiny bit is my fault. The massive majority of fault is Wilson. Then again, doesn't take away how messed up my secret is, and that it will destroy my life if people found out. But hey. It's over now. My new main concern is dealing with Jess when she finds me again. [looks around]. Surprisingly, they haven't found me yet." Moon Fang said. Right as he says that Grandmaster Walker tackles Moon Fang to the ground. He puts the kid in a headlock and starts choking him. "Well, well, well. Looks like the predator has just become the prey." Walker said. He then drops Moon Fang right in front of Eagle, who is alongside her entire team. Uncanny Valley, Lightwing, Brother Bear, Wild Waves, Black Feather, Silver Talon, and Woof Scraper. Eagle walks up to the tied-up wolf and promptly slaps him in the face. "And to think Black Feather was worse than you." Eagle said. "Ok, what the heck?!" Black Feather asked in shock. "Look, Eagle, I understand what I did was bad, but if you let me explain, I'll tell you why." Moon Fang replied. "Oh, no, no, no you won't. I don't want to hear a scent of nonsense from you, Wolfe. Grandmaster, I think we both know what we must do with this thief." Eagle said. "Strip him of his miraculous?" You bet ya." Walker replied. Soon, that's when two laser beams hit them on the rooftop. Causing an explosion blinding them. As the dust settles, they look, and see Crystallized yet again. "Ohh great, you're here as well?" Eagle asked. "And we got the whole team together. Including your dog, Moon Fang." Crystallized replied. "Doesn't matter if you're here. You got ten of us and one of you." Eagle said. "Nine of us." Walker replied. "Uhh, so what now?" Eagle asked. "I'll join in if needed. I want to see how you guys have been doing during my absence." Walker replied. "Really?" Eagle asked. "Yep, and I don't regret it." Walker replied. Crystallized shots at Walker, but he swiftly dodges them. "Try me, crystal crook." Walker said. "Ok, the old man is good." Crystallized replied. "Enough chit-chat. United Heroez, attack!" Eagle yelled. All of them, including Moon Fang who breaks free, go get the villain. "Everyone, just go in there and beat the crap out of him. That's all that matters here." Eagle ordered. "Calculations indicate that is a very bad idea, and very unorganized." Uncanny Valley replied. "Well screw science, we are doing this whether you like it or not."  Eagle said.  That leads to her getting backhanded by Crystallized and sent flying into a car.  "Never mess with the power of science."  Crystallized said.  He does however get kicked in the face by Moon Fang, who then whips out his dagger, so he can start fighting.  He slashes Crystallized, who isn't enough to hurt him.  Crystallized then elbows Moon Fang, and then chucks him at the heroes.  Uncanny grabs him and sets him down.  "Thanks."  Moon Fang said.  "You better have a good reason for running away from us."  Uncanny Valley replied as she goes back into battle.  Wood Scraper, Wild Waves, and Black Feather all fight the Crystal villain.  However, all three of them get wrecked fast.  Wood Scraper gets an uppercut, Black Feather gets kicked in the shines, and Wild Waves gets head buds.  All of them fall to the floor, and Crystallized keeps them down when he activates his energy field.  Zapping them all, until they are fried.  "Thunderstorm."  Lightwing said as she uses her powers.  She controls the power of thunder and sends bolts down to Crystallzied. He laughs, before he gets electrocuted, which ultimately charges his suit up.  As he laughs, he blasts a powerful ray of purple lightning, that fries Lightwing into oblivion.  She falls to the ground hard, as he laughs.  That's when Silver Talon comes from behind and tackles Crystallized.  All while Sparkles pecks at him as well.  Both man and bird keep on scratching and pecking at the supervillain.  As they go that, Uncanny sees a chance to strike.  "Hurry, Brother Bear, charge at him."  Uncanny Valley ordered.  "Done, and done."  Brother Bear replied.  He sprints and then bashes into Crystallized.  He is sent flying into a wall, while Silver Talon jumps off him.  "Nice attack."  Silver Talon said.  "Don't mention it."  Brother Bear replied.  Crystallized gets up and throws his shurikens at the kids.  They dodge them, leaving Uncanny to take the rain.  "Wild Waves, Wood Scraper, you two both use your powers and find a way to wreck this fool."  Uncanny Valley said.  They both nod their heads.  "Whirlpool."  Wild Waves said as he uses his powers.  He then chucks his whirlpool into Crystallized.  Making him a now wet mess, and unable to see.  "Pecker."  Wood Scraper said as she uses her powers.  She then creates a new gun, and when the time is right, she catches Crystallized inside her net.  Now he is trapped like the fish he is.  The other heroes approach the bad guy.  Even Eagle, and Walker.  "Nice work team.  See, all you had to do was hit him, and we win."  Eagle said.  "Hit him?  Hit him?!  Are you kidding me?!"  Uncanny Valley asked in rage.  "What?"  Eagle asked back.  "Your idea of just hitting him was god awful!"  Uncanny Valley yelled.  "Geez, no need to get mad."  Eagle replied.  "And the fact you're taking credit for our work is the Cherry on this mess.  You didn't even do anything.  You just sat there knocked out, as we did the work."  Uncanny Valley said.  "Well, I'm the leader, and I know what's best."  Eagle replied.  "Yeah, a pretty crap one as well."  Uncanny Valley said.  "I'm sorry, what did you say?"  Eagle asked in rage.  "Hey, guys!  Look!  [they all turn around, and see Crystallized is gone].  How did he escape?"  Brother Bear asked back.  "Well great, Eagle.  You just had to brag about your glory, that he got away."  Uncanny Valley replied.  "My fault?  I was just congratulating my plan that worked."  Eagle said.  "More like Valley's plan.  If it weren't for her direction with Brother Bear, Wood Scraper, and Wild Waves, he wouldn't have got caught."  Moon Fang replied.  "You don't have any right to talk, after all you have done."  Eagle said.  "Hold on.  Your playing that card team leader?"  Moon Fang asked.  "Well it's not my fault you ran away doing whatever you desire!"  Eagle yelled.  "I was trying to solve this case."  Moon Fang said.  "Yeah, like the dork you are."  Eagle replied.  "ENOUGH!"  Walker yelled.  All the heroes go silent and face Walker.  "It seems that Eagle here isn't the so-called good team leader she claims to be."  Walker said.  "Wait, why didn't you stop Crystallized from escaping?"  Eagle asked.  "Perhaps pay attention next time, and you'll get him.  Anyway, Eagle, it's clear you are just a plain delusion.  Someone who doesn't know what she is talking about.  That is why I'm putting you on a temporary suspension from the team.  Until you learn to get your act together."  Walker replied.  "Wait?!  I was doing my job!  And you're telling me I'm now grounded?"  Eagle asked in rage.  "Enough!  It's not just based on this.  I've seen your previous missions.  You sucked as a leader as well.  And you still claim you are good at your job.  Consider this your punishment for being someone you are not.  Meet me at the base with the rest of the miraculous, and you'll hand Liiri over to me.  As for Moon Fang, let him stay."  Walker replied.  "You have got to be kidding me?"  Eagle asked.  "What he did was dumb, but perhaps maybe an explanation can well, explain where he was.  As well as the fact he can still help us stop Crystallized.  If he states his reason well."  Walker replied.  Eagle then growls.  "All of you, come with me!  And now!"  Eagle yelled, as she then walks away, and kicks a car tire.

Back in the post-credit flashback once more, Night Owl and Majestia are outside an apartment door.  They hear Vessel screaming going on inside.  "Remember, he's armed and dangerous.  We go in on three, and end this freak."  Night Owl whispered.  "Agreed.  One, two, three."  Majestia replied as they kick down the door.  Vessel, and his wife both see the new heroes enter.  "Ok Vessel, hope your energized spree was worth it because it's time we power you down."  Night Owl said.  Soon, Vessel compulsion on the floor, and starts to have a seizure.  She spits up goop from his mouth, as the heroes and his wife watch.  His body then starts to malfunction as well, before his hand stretches out to break the ceiling, and his leg kicks a hole in the wall.  After all the screaming, and body horror, Vessel releases a final scream, before he explodes in a gooey mess.  It makes his wife scream in terror, as Majestia pukes in the corner.  "Sorry,"  Majestia said, as she barfs some more.  "What on earth just happened?"  Night Owl asked.  "I... I don't know.  All Greg told me was he was late for work again, and then, he came home like this.  You guys came in, and then poof, he exploded."  Greg's wife replied in a broken tone.  "Night Owl then finds a business card in the pile of goo on the floor.  He picks it up.  "Greg Josh.  The top employee at Western Mechanics.  Wait, [has a realization] it all makes sense now.  Come on, honey.  We need to go find Wilson now!"  Night Owl said.  "Why?"  Majestia replied.  "I have a feeling he is the one behind all of this.  Come on!"  Night Owl yelled.  They both run off, as his wife lies on the floor a traumatized mess.  Unknown to her, her little kid, watched all of this unfold.  And gives a look of horror at what just happened in front of his eyes. "Oh no, no, no, no, no. Go back to bed, Mikey. This is none of your business." Mikey's Mom said as she slams the door in her son's face.

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