More Powers, More Successes

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Grandmaster Walker faces both of the heroes, Jess and Aeon, in an angry, pissed-off, and disappointed manner.  "So you get another hero, he too fails to stop you guys stopping Crystallized, and that same person you choose had the guts to leave you all to do whatever he wants, and you don't even know where he is now?"  Walker asked.  "Would you kill me if I said yes?"  Jess asked back nervous.  "I would bash your bones if you said yes.  If you lied to me, you're dead."  Walker replied.  "[sighs].  Ok, yes.  We, I mean, I did lose the Wolf miraculous by giving it to Mikey, and don't know where he could be."  Jess said.  "[growls in rage].  I did say I would break your bones, but you are a child and a female, so I can imagine the charges of that being bad."  Walker replied.  "They are,"  Aeon said.  "Usually, I would punish a miraculous holder for a mess up like this big time.  I'm talking, about taking miraculous away and going through painful exercises to make it up, but it's very clear this Crystallized is one nasty, brutal, and strong villain.  So, it's clear we need a plan, and, oh boy I'm an idiot for allowing this, but... [opens the box, and grabs several miraculous]... here.  Four new miraculous.  We got Salmon, Raven, Falcon, and Wood Pecker.  Use them wisely.  Get better people, AND I TRULY MEAN BETTER PEOPLE, and stop Crystallized."  Walker ordered.  "Wait, so after losing a miraculous, you're just going to give me four new ones anyway?"  Jess asked.  "Yes.  Because it's clear you need a better job with leading a team.  Let alone fighting.  So, consider this a way to teach you that lesson in my favorite way possible.  Showing instead of telling.  You'll be in charge of those four.  You get your team and stop Crystallized.  If you fail, then it shows one thing.  You aren't as heroic, and strong as you think."  Walker replied.  "Yes, I am,"  Jess said.  Walker looks at her with a mod face.  "Ugh!  Ok, so maybe I'm... not the best."  Jess said.  "Perhaps come clean Jess.  You do need some help."  Aeon recommended.  "I may have been losing, but I refuse for my pride to fall,"  Jess said.  "I say listen to the robot.  She knows what she is doing."  Walker replied as he walks away.  "And where are you going?"  Jess asked.  "To find where Moon Fang is.  Then give him the beatdown of a lifetime for being this ridiculous.  Oh, and one more thing Jess.  If you do fail in stopping Crystallized, then that also mentions another thing.  You aren't worth being the leader of this team.  So wake up, get serious, and do your job right."  Walker replied in a very serious tone.

Speaking of Moon Fang, he crawls into the vents of ReX, trying to find where Crystallized is.  "Ok, [pulls out crystal].  Maybe my powers can help me find where he is.  Scent of a Leader."  Moon Fang said as he uses his powers.  Once activated, he smells the amethyst, which then forms a purple trail of smoke across the vents.  "Awesome.  A real sweet smell of victory."  Moon Fang said.  He begins to crawl through the vents.  Being extra careful, and extra quiet as he possibly can.  Trying to keep his cover as high as possible.  He continues to follow the trail despite the small spaces, and cramped areas.  "Small, cramped, I don't care.  I'm going to put an end to this, Wilson."  Moon Fang said as he presses forward.  Soon, the trail ends.  "What the?  It ends here?  But, there is no amethyst or Crystallized here."  Moon Fang asked.  That's when he hears some communication coming from below.  He looks down and notices a vent up ahead.  He immediately crawls over and puts his ear to it.  He begins to hear Wilson and Crystallized speak.  Both of whom are below Moon Fang.  "This is just dumb, sir.  I had them right there.  Right there.  What's the point of me sparing them now?"  Crystallized asked.  "Have you seen the news?"  Wilson asked back.  Wilson grabs his remote and turns on the TV.  It plays a new news report.  "Once again, our heroes get this crystal crackled at the hands of a supervillain, and pretty much more super threat, Crystallized." Laura said. "They were once great heroes in my eyes. Especially that Eagle and Uncanny, who were the biggest jokes in NYC. Well, I did learn a good lesson from this. Once a joke, always a joke." The man said as he is being interviewed. "I felt safe here now with them in charge, but thanks to them twenty people died thanks to their arrogance in trying to stop them." The woman said, being interviewed. The interviews go on, and on, as the heroes get roasted on live TV. "Like I said, you need to assassinate their character, before you go for the kill. If they die, people will mourn their pathetic lives. But if they see them as heroes, who don't deliver, that's something spicy. Besides, they are being tormented 247. That's all I could ever ask for." Wilson said with a laugh. "We shouldn't be too cocky sir. What if they do bounce back? Will you be so confident now? Will you be happy if they defeat me? They find out you're here?" Crystallized asked. "Enough! Crystallized, I am the boss, and I order you to continue doing your job the way I intended. If not, then say bye-bye to your funds, your powers, everything. You don't want me to drop you back to where I found you, don't you?" Wilson asked threatening him. "Oh, um, well, no sir." Crystallized replied. "Good." Wilson said. Crystallized then leaves, as Wilson packs up. All with Moon Fang watches. But then something catches his eye. "Hold on for a minute. It seems we aren't the only two people in this room." Wilson said. Moon Fang gasp. "Uhh, what do you mean? There are only two of us." Crystallized said. "No, three." Wilson replied, as he grabs his gun, and shows at the vents. A few bullets nearly get Moon Fang, but he lands a direct shot on the vent. Moon Fang then falls out and hits the ground hard. "Ow! Ohhh, my back." Moon Fang yelled in pain. "What did I say? Now, get him!" Wilson ordered. Crystallized charges at Moon Fang, but he ain't going down fast. He immediately gets up and kicks Crystallized in the gut. Crystallized bounces back by blasting at him. Moon Fang dodges before he dashes back against him. He slashes Crystallized with his dagger, but Crystallized backhands the wolf into a wall. Before Moon Fang can get up, Wilson points his gun at his head. "Take one step, and your head will be cleaner than the new watch I just bought." Wilson threatened. Moon Fang tries to look around to find a way to escape. Sadly, not even his animal instincts can help him. "See Crystallized, this is how you discipline children. And next, I'll show you how to deal with them." Wilson said as he knocks Moon Fang out with his gun. The kid falls to the ground unconscious, as Crystallized gasps. "Why so horrified? Not like you did this as well." Wilson asked. "I'm just a little concerned about what will we do now. What if he was sent by Eagle as a spy? What if they are on their way right now?" Crystallized asked. "Of course not. By the looks of it, there are no reports of you leaving evidence of our connections. Even if he did, it doesn't matter. ReX cooperations have the best security in NYC. And I have eyes on the back of my head. No way they are coming in here again. Now, go cause some mischief. Leave this brat, to me." Wilson replied in a scary tone.

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