SS Part 5: The Meeting with an Angel (Tere Bin, Meerasim)

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With a smile on his face, he left to change himself for bed... after freshening up and changing himself into a gray coloured shalwar kameez, Murtasim quietly slipped into his side of the bed, making sure to leave enough space for the new member who with barely 1.5 feet of height had gotten the liberty to roll around the bed every now and then in a circular motion ....

He looked at her face and a smile automatically curved on his lips.... God knew if he would be able to sleep tonight or not as the precious face was too adorable to take his eyes off ... resting his head on his right arm, he watched over his daughter... she was a true little angel ... her cheeks were so soft and chubby as Murtasim lightly touched them with his left hand.... he then carefully held onto her left hand that was almost close to his chest, balled up in a fist... rubbing it, feeling the softness.... His little princess...

Murtasim got alerted as Meesam did a little move with a small whine in sleep....kicking her feet in the air.... He was glad that her feet were not close to Meerab .... She opened her eyes and started whimpering looking at the man's face.... Murtasim's heart wrenched watching her crying face.... He immediately got up and opened his arms to her, hoping she would come to him for comfort... Meesam crawled towards Murtasim and opened her arms while still crying.... He tried to put her head on his shoulder but she refused and rubbed her eyes... he tried to put the pacifier into her mouth but she moved her head back, pushed the pacifier away and whined.... he was patting her back, trying to massage a little in an attempt to put her back to sleep but all in vain... "shhhh, it's okay baby, baba is here" Murtasim whispered, rubbing her back.... "You can sleep.... Baba will hold you as long as you want" he confirmed with a kiss on her shoulder....

Meesam stopped for a moment, looked at his face, then started sucking her fist and cried... it took him a moment to realize his baby was hungry.... And he had no idea about her sleeping habits... did she take milk or formula during night time? How many times did she take it? Shit! He did not even know how to make formula... he looked around and found her feeding bottle but did not want to feed it as he thought it could be out for long...

He was feeling so helpless as he could not see his little girl in tears anymore and called out for help, "Meerab....Meerab" Murtasim softly called her name, trying not to scare her off.... "Hmmm" Meerab answered in sleep.... "Meesam is hungry....what should I give her?" He asked...

Meerab in her sleep opened her arms, gesturing him to give Meesam to her.... He half-heartedly sat on the bed and carefully laid Meesam on the bed, her head on Meerabs left arm....

Seeing her momma moving, she knew she was to get her cravings fulfilled as she grabbed the neckline of her kameez and started to pull it down...."tut tu...tut tu" Meesam whined.... searching for her midnight cravings....

Meerab, unaware of her surroundings, out of habit, in her sleep unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of her kameez, and instantly Meesam took over as she quickly latched on her left nipple and started to satisfy herself.... She held onto the breast with both hands and threw her left leg around her momma's waist when Meerab wrapped her right hand around Meesam, pulling her closer.... Meesam was dozing off as she fed herself...

Meerab tried to pull the blanket around her baby to cover her nurse but was unable to do so as she found herself in deep seemed like she had not slept for ages and the bed came as a tempting rescue .... Her tired body realized how much it missed the bed....

Murtasim silently witnessed the scene in awe....then carefully pulled the blanket over Meesam, covering her head in a way so that it remained as the mother-daughter's private moment....this was the most beautiful time of his life, witnessing the mother of his daughter selflessly breastfeeding his daughter without any complaints.....she looked terribly exhausted and deeply sleepy yet she made sure Meesam received what she needed ... he fell in love with his lady all over again...

He yawned and smiled as the peaceful slumber finally decided to take over him after what it seemed like ages...


She opened her eyes and looked around... it was a new environment for her.... but she loved it.... little Meesam looked over her momma's side to find it empty, then stretched out a light and turned to her left to find the man .... his right hand was lying on the bed, close to her tummy .... she grabbed her feet and tried to throw them back in the air.... Meesam rolled over to his side and slowly crawled towards him ....

He felt a little heavy on his chest as if someone was tapping him .... Murtasim opened his eyes to find Meesam looking at him with both elbows on his chest as she sat on her knees, supporting her bottom on her heels .... he brought his right arm to wrap around her tiny back as he softly rubbed it... "Good Morning my love", Murtasim greeted his daughter, who happily bounced up and down while drumming her hands on his chest.... he laughed at her excitement ... slipping his hands under her arms he held her up in the air while still lying on the bed .... the girl giggled at the gesture as she felt she was flying .... "... who is this?? Is that Baba's little birdy??...." Murtasim asked in his gentle voice... Meesam giggled in reply... "...say Baba..." he requested with a pause.... "...Baa-Baa..." then repeated slowly to help her .... "Baab..Baab" Meesam answered.... "...Close enough...well... I guess, I can live with that..." he grinned as he brought her face to leave a kiss on her tiny nose...

Meerab tightened the cap of the feeding bottle as she walked into the room to find him kissing Meesam's nose and smiled to herself.... "... Meesam, your breakfast is here.... your favorite semolina porridge ...." Meerab informed, making both father-daughter aware of her presence.... Murtasim pulled himself up while holding Meesam against his chest... Meerab walked to her side of the bed and opened her arms to Meesam, who became enthusiastic at the sight of her momma with her favorite breakfast... Murtasim unwillingly let her go and decided to be a silent audience....

Meerab laid her little girl on a pillow close to her Baba.... then placed another pillow on her right side, making a safeguard so that she does not roll over to fall off the bed.... Meerab handed over the bottle to Meesam, who quickly sucked onto the nipple and started to enjoy her breakfast while holding the bottle with both her hands.... "...I am going to take a shower.... when the bottle is half way finished, please make sure you hold the bottle at a 45 deg angle to avoid her from sucking air...." Meerab instructed Murtasim... then blowing a flying kiss to her little angel, she left for the bathroom...

'...First task as a father, Murtasim.... don't worry! You will be fine!...' Murtasim consoled himself as he kept his gaze fixed on the bottle, afraid to blink .... little did he know, a panic attack was awaiting him shortly....


PS: Sorry, I know it's a short one but it is hard to cope with 2 stories at the same time. I have decided to put "Secret Desires" on hold until I finish with this one. Look forward to your constructive criticism..

SS: The Meeting with an Angel (Tere Bin, Meerasim)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora