SS Part 6: The Meeting with an Angel (Tere Bin, Meerasim)

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It's been almost 15 mins and little Meesam was taking her time to finish the bottle.... she was slow when it came to bottles compared to breastmilk....Murtasim did not move an inch from his side and was getting anxious as he noticed the nipple was about to create an airway, he immediately caught the bottle and held it the way Meerab instructed to make sure his daughter did not suck air.... his eyes softened as he watched her drink... Was she born with this same softness or was she more softer? How did she look when she was born? What was her height and weight? How did she sound when she first cried? How did she sound when she first laughed? What was her first word? When did she take her first step? Did she miss me?.... He came out of his thoughts when Meesam suddenly moved her head and some of the porridge dripped on her upper lips, almost flowing into her nose..... " ...DAMN IT !!!.. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!...." Murtasim panicked as he quickly picked up Meesam in his arms and tried to wipe away the food, afraid it would get sucked into her airway through her nose... ..." ... MEEERRAAABBBBB!..." he almost cried...

She was about to take the towel off her hair but hearing Murtasim's voice, she quickly rushed to the bedroom.... " What happened?" she asked looking at Meesam, who was confused looking at the man's horrifying face...Meerab took and balanced Meesam on her left hip while examining her face.... Murtasim continued, " She suddenly moved her head and the food dripped on her nose.... did it block her airway??... Is she okay?? ...Is she breath—?.." Meesam sneezed.... "Oh My God, I screwed up! She is sneezing" Murtasim was panicking.... Meerab wiped away the porridge off the little one's mouth, held her cheek and brought her face up to meet her eyes .... Meesam smiled looking at her momma then looked back at the man, looking concerned.... "..Relax, Murtasim... She is fine... Nothing happened... you wiped it already..." Meerab tried to calm him down.... " that means it could have gotten worse if I didn't wipe it?... what if I did not wipe it?? Oh My job...I literally got only one job and I failed.... I failed miserably... that's it... I don't deserve her.... I am such a failure" he hid his face in his hands.... he meant every bit of it when he said, he was a failure.... first failed as a brother, then failed as a husband, and now failed as a father... how is he gonna take care of her for the rest of his life when he couldn't even hold a goddamn bottle for her?...

"Khudko aur mujhe sambhal lena, please" She recalled his words and her heart sank for him.... he looked so vulnerable... She thought, this was the high time, she had to take care of him as she realized his journey as a father would not be an easy task for him.... the feudal lord failed to be strong when it came to his little daughter.... she unknowingly wrapped her right hand around his shoulder and made him rest his head on her right bust while still holding Meesam on her left hip.... her right hand caressing his hair.... ".... It's okay Murtasim..... You did not do anything wrong.... it happens, she moves a lot... I should have warned you beforehand.... I'm sorry.... I know this is all new for you .... but you are doing great... don't be so hard on yourself...." Meerab tried to console her husband.... he quietly listened to her.... this was not the Meerab he knew.... this Meerab was more patient and calm with him, unlike his fearless Meerab, "How did you manage all these with her?" Murtasim was surprised at her maturity, looking up at her face, he wrapped his left hand around her waist to find his daughter's right foot that he held onto while taking Meesam's left hand in his right hand, he kept his gaze intact...

"Because I am Meerab, strong and fearless" She half smiled, foreshadowing.... "My Meerab" he repeated as his eyes became intense. She looked absolutely stunning in wet hair as the loosely wrapped towel at the end of her hair was making her more attractive... the few strands that escaped the bun in the towel had little droplets of water.... her face looked fresh like a peaceful breeze, if only he had the privilege to make love to her one more time.... and then more and more....

SS: The Meeting with an Angel (Tere Bin, Meerasim)Where stories live. Discover now