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Some things.

– Mom was looking through some stuff online and then said ''So many files it'd take a month to read all of them'' and so i asked what she was reading and she said ''Files of what's happening all in the world'' so I assume its like crime files cuz i read a specific word from those files which i will for now refuse to say- but yeah I told her to give me the link so now I have it. I saw the year 2003 so it must be ALOT of files.. I'll look through them later.

note 16/11/2022 : i lost the fuckin site. somewhere in DMs. when i get the motivation for that i will be searching through all my DMs (the ones to myself, that's where i keep most of my stuff.

– I got up from bed this morning and I heard a few knocks on the door before I opened it, I wasn't paying much attention so ehh.

– My ears have been ringing alot too, memory is still messed up :v and apathy came over too- like i was thinking of negative things that would usually feel like either a spear is going through my heart or simply really upsetting but i only felt empty, i cried while feeling literally nothing. Which is weird and a bit annoying. Last night I had a heart palpitation, like my heart out of nowhere started to beat really fast and hurt ALOT, it would usually last less than one second but this time it lasted like 3 seconds which sent me a bit into slight panic.

– The noises in the livingroom never stopped either, I still hear walking.. things moving.. etc. in the night while everyone's asleep.

– And I keep feeling presences- like watching and following me, and no I cannot feel if its positive or negative.

– And at last:

I had a dream, which kinda was like a jumpscare? But not really. ; I was laying on my tummy and almost fell asleep but as soon as that I dreamed about some pitch black arm going over me ?? Like reaching for my hand or something idk it was confusing, but I woke up with like a mini heart attack.

– I feel like I forgot about something I was meant to talk about on here too. But nothing comes to mind eh

June 8th, 2022.

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