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| Jania's  house -  LA California |
| 2:30pm - November 17th |

Ariana Grande's POV:


"Where are you going?" Jania questioned as I carried Aiden down the steps. "To get some food" I mumbled. "Ari I'll go with you" she offered. "Okay" I shrugged.

"Brooklyn can you stay here and watch B and Kacey?"

"Sure" Brooklyn nodded before Jania and I left the house. I got into the driver seat while Jania strapped Aiden in the back before she got into the passenger seat and I pulled off once the gates opened.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Nene. I signed the divorce papers yesterday and tomorrow I go to court for FULL custody of my kids. Kentrell doesn't want me anymore and that's fine but I can't be sad about it forever. He's been out of my life for two years now. I don't know why I expected anything different from him."

"Because you love him"

"No Jania" I shook my head. "I hate him. I hate him for being in my office that day....I hate him for convincing me to sleep with him while he was my patient....I hate him for making me fall in love with him and MOST importantly....I hate him for making me think that he was capable of loving someone....I hate him and I will never forgive him" I ranted and Jania nodded.

"I understand Ari, just know that Brooklyn and I are here for you. We consider you our sister. Whatever you need-"

"I know" I nodded.




"Bye I love you" I laughed while on FaceTime with Julius aka A Boogie.

"Nah I'm serious. Hoe's really out hea being desperate" he shook his head, "you didn't have to be that mean to her though" I reminded him. "She was tryna rape me!!" He defended and I laughed.

"She was just drunk" I laughed. "Plus you said that all the girls was rubbing on you at the club."

"Yeah well this one breath stank, smelt like hot ass" he shook his head while I laughed. "Oh my god stop! You're gonna make my stomach hurt" I said while a tear fell down my face.

"My fault, my fault" he laughed. "So what you doing tomorrow?" He asked before taking a FaceTime photo of me and I smiled.

 "So what you doing tomorrow?" He asked before taking a FaceTime photo of me and I smiled

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"I have to go to court, after that nothing....I'm staying at Jania's because I really can't stay in that other house since it used to be Kentrell's" I explained while Julius nodded.

"You know Ari..."


"You could stay with me. I mean you my best friend and I love you so if you-"

"You would really do that for me?" I smiled a little while Julius nodded. "I would do anything for you" he assured me before there was a knock on the front door. "COMING!" I heard Jania yell.

"Thanks Boogie, I'll think about it. Ima go see who is at the door and I'll text you later."

"Okay I love you"

"I love you too" I smiled before hanging up.

I adjusted my hoodie and turned around to see that Aiden was still sleep in Kacey's old crib while a Brooklyn hand her headphones in watching Monster high on her tablet.

"I'll be back" I said and Brooklyn looked up before looking back at her tablet and I laughed.

She probably didn't even hear me buys it's okay.

I walked out of the room and headed downstairs before seeing Sherhonda.

Here we go...

"Can I talk to Ariana?" She questioned. "She don't want to talk to you" Brooklyn blurted out causing a Jania to laugh.

I swear Jania and Brooklyn is long lost twins. They're just best friends but they look so alike.

"Ariana" Sherhonda called out. "What Sherhonda?"

"Just please give my son another chance....h-he doesn't know what he's doing-"

I don't know what came over me but I was so sick and tired of the bullshit and people making excuses for Kentrell.

"Fuck your son" I smiled before walking back upstairs while Jania laughed. "Sorry Honda" she said before closing the door and I went back into the room with my kids.

I am officially over Kentrell Gaulden....Ariana Grande is back. THANK YOU NEXT.


Sorry for any mistakes💕
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