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(Ranboo Pov)

There were two hands clawing at the window opposite me trying desperately to escape. There was blood everywhere around the window and some was even seeping out of it staining the white plastic windowsill a ugly red


she was clawing and punching her bloody hand at the window.

I think she saw me.

She stopped clawing at the window and stood still. staring. I didn't know whether she could see me or not. or if I was also just a blurred vision. We were both just blurred visions. They started tapping on the glass and pushing their finger on it. I stood there still after she kept repeating a sequence. Eventually she got so desperate that she wrote it on the window with her own blood. I wanted to puke at the sight but I couldn't. My face paled my reflection white as a bed sheet.

I was freaking terrified of whoever this mysterious daughter was. She's writing in her own blood. It's so twisted. So broken. So disturbing. What kind of sick deranged person writes messages for their neighbours in their own blood. She was a whole other level of deranged. Or was she just desperate for someone to hear her pleads. I told myself over and over that the neighbours are sicko people mistreating their daughter but were they?

I looked back at the window to see her desperately banging on the window tearing her knuckles in the process. Her blood covering her blurry writing.

She was definitely psychotic. I jumped back scared that she would break the glass and try to grab me.

There was a psycho next door

(There will be more lost field incident stuff next chapter these few were to set the scene, if you enjoy remember to vote and comment your opinions)

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