A stroll

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do you think you know where this is going? because I can assure you, that you won't be able to guess, even you moon_isnot_cloud_lol. Hold onto your ceilings because it's only gonna get more crazy and twisted from here. Also lots of foreshadowing and references linking back to the previous book are in here. See if you can spot them.

(Ranboo Pov)

I needed to clear my head and so I went for a walk. I popped in my earbuds and walked on for around two hours. I took out my earbud to re-adjust it when I heard footsteps behind me. They sounded like heavy and newish worker boots. I spun around sharply to find no one there. I suddenly felt a sharp blow to the back of my head and as I fell I was caught by a strange man. My head fell backwards in his arms and my eyes spun to the back of my head. I fell unconscious almost instantly after.

When I awoke who knows how much later, it was pitch black outside instead of the light bluey grey skies that I saw earlier. I shifted around a bit still dazed to find that I was propped up against an old tree in an unfamiliar neck of the woods. My head was lent back all the way and Above me painted on the tree in red was a strange 4 shaped symbol.

"What the. . .where am I" why am I here I was just having a walk on the pavement near the forest. Then that man hit me over the head. But why? Nothings changed. Apart from a bruised head I'm the exact same.

I brushed off my trousers and took my phone. It was dead. When I left the house it was on 92%. Why is it dead? So much for being able to get home. Without this I can't use a map too figure out where I am, I can't call anyone, I can't even check the time.

I looked at my watch but it had stopped at 6 seconds past 6:60

I decided to start walking straight forwards but when I turned around I realised there was a rotting cardboard box with that creepy symbol on it near the tree. Weird.

Inside was an old collection of tapes, as well as a vcr machine and a vhs player. "Cool, these are vintage tapes!"

I picked up the box but saw something else inside. A compass and it was going haywire pointing to me and spinning around. It was labelled but I couldn't read the writing. There was a second compass labelled saying something but the word
On it. I followed it deciding it wouldn't hurt as I had no idea where to go.

After what felt like hours, I was out of the forest back in territory I knew. By this time the sun was coming back up. I walked home from there and when I had finally returned I opened the door. Aimsey rushed over to me and started shouting. "Where were you!? I was worried sick ! you've been gone all night I nearly called the police! What the hell Ranboo?!"

"Im sorry I went for a walk and got lost. I swear I didn't mean to scare you" she looked angry and sad but it softened a little. "Ok then, but no more late night strolls. What's that in the box?"

"Oh I found some cool tapes in the forest I'm going to go try them out"

"Can I watch them too?" Aimsey seemed very excited about them.

I suddenly felt really protective of these old trinkets. "No I don't want you too, there my tapes and I'll watch them, on my own!" I felt bad for saying that, I just blurted it out without thinking.

She looked disappointed but also frustrated that she couldn't watch them. Still she respected my wishes and left me be, allowing me to escape too my room.

I jogged up stairs and set up the players.

"Here we go. . ."

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