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i shake my head, bringing me back to reality from my wacky daydream.

i can't even imagine myself confronting him about what he does or how he makes me feel.

i also can't imagine him telling me he loves me. he wouldn't know love if it hit him in the head.

but the crazy thing is even though i can't imagine any of these things, i already did.

i hate to say it, but im starting to catch feelings for him and it's slowly killing me because he isn't the type of person worth liking.

he'd break my heart by just getting into my pants and treating me like trash the rest of my senior year.

and id blame myself the most on being heart broken.

i need like a different focus to keep my mind and thoughts off of him.

i should do yoga, or like go vegan or something.

i start to drive away to my house.

i open the freezer and grab a popsicle. as i close the freezer, i see a note on the door from my mom:

so your dad and i have been talking and we would like for you to get a job to teach you responsibility of your own stuff. also, we'll be getting back late tonight. dont burn the house down. love you lots.

~ your oh so hip parents who love you alot and are practically forcing you to get a job.

well. i guess i should cook food and eat it in my room.

i cook a pizza in the oven, pop popcorn in the microwave and pour a glass of juice.

i carry everything upstairs and set it down on my desk, turning on some music.


who could possibly be at my house?

i sigh in frustration, pausing my music and running downstairs.

i open the door to see that douche bag i hate standing on my front porch.

"what do you want now?"

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