Pre Episode (4)

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???: "Hey, Bish!"


At that call, I whirled around quicker than a spinning top, ready to show as much surprise as a guard at Buckingham Palace — which is to say, none at all. The girl before me, adorned in enough makeup to rival a West End actress and clothes that screamed 'fashion rebel', didn't stir a single emotion in me.

My face was as impassive as a stoic British butler because, frankly, the girl in question, though dolled up in a charming pink skirt and a pristine white shirt, was old news. She's my ex-crush, and while I might have stopped the charm offensive and relegated her to the history books, my heart hasn't quite got the memo.

Ex Crush: "Hello there, stranger! It's been ages!"

Y/N: "I'm hardly a mirror, Miss 'O'." (with a sly grin)

The Girl Whose Name Starts With The Letter 'O': (frowning adorably) "Did you just cheekily imply I'm a bit of a twit? And please, drop the 'Miss O' act. I've developed quite the fancy for you, and I've swung over to your side of the fence, so to speak. For everyone else, I'm as straight as a cricket bat. So, like it or lump it, I'm rather fond of you. In fact, I LOVE YOU."

Her words struck me, pausing time for a moment, making it seem like we were alone in this... hold on, why do I feel like the boys are here too? Ah, of course, they're my soulmates. Nevertheless, I embrace her and ask...

Y/N: "Care to be my first peck?"

BTS (all together): "First peck? We'd like to throw our hats in the ring for that!"

???: "Count me in as well!"

-To Be Continued

Who do you think it is? If you have any clues kindly comment it.

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I will update ep 4 on Sunday

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I will update ep 4 on Sunday. For now


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