A Short Episode- 5: The Cruel Start

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???: I object this!!

Still An's POV:

After hearing the objection, everyone turned their heads towards the source of the disruption, expecting to see... well, something. But nope, nothing. This time, they were shocked, and not just because the vending machine was out of soda again.

All of them had different reasons for their shock, which will be revealed later in a dramatic plot twist or maybe in a Buzzfeed article.

Y/n: B...Bang Pd?

BPD (Bang Pd): You?? (He asks her, his tone dripping with more shock than a static electricity convention, his index finger pointing at her like she's a "Don't Walk" sign.)

Everyone else in the room, except Bpd and Y/n: You know her??

BPD: Yes, I do! How could I forget such an amazing person!? (His words were so thick with sarcasm, you could spread them on toast.)

Y/n: Hey, you! Look here. I know you're as furious at me as a cat in a bathtub, but this isn't the time for that. These guys (points at BTXT and the other two, who are trying to look like they're not eavesdropping) are my soulmates, so please don't cockblock our destiny. And I'm sorry for whatever it is I did.

BPD: Hey, it's okay. I'm not that furious. I mean, I've been angrier at a printer. And since you've realized your mistake, that's more than enough for me to forgive you. Plus, I've run out of people to share my memes with.

O girl: Okay, what's going on here? Mind to explain?? (asks Y/n, her curiosity level now matching that of a cat who's just seen a laser pointer.)

Y/n: Oh, actu-

She gets cut off by a loud thud outside their locked room (it's locked because there are more famous celebrities in there than at a Hollywood coffee shop).

BPD: Wait, I'll call one of my guards who's standing outside to check what happened. Maybe someone dropped a mixtape.

BPD calls his guard with his phone. The guard answers the call and, in a panic voice that doesn't allow BPD to get a word in, informs him...

Guard 1: Boss... Train to Busan's happening here!!

BPD: What the frick! Yo, are you high? How can Train to Busan happen here? This isn't even a train station!

Guard 1: Boss, believe me, it's true! Some weirdos just came in and started biting one of our gua- (the phone call gets cut off, probably because zombies hate phone calls.)

After a few seconds of horror and shock...

Y/n: Wait! I hear something cruel going on outside!

BTXT+2: Us too!

Y/n goes near the door. She bends down and looks through the keyhole, only to be TERRIFIED!

Y/n: Oh my gosh!! (she says, her voice a mix of fear, panic, and terror, like she just saw her internet history on a billboard) What the guard said was true! There are zombies outside, and they're biting the guards like they're free samples at a grocery store!

All of them in the room: How are we gonna get out of here?!

Meme for this episode:

Meme for this episode:

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The Cupid's Assistant - Zombie Apocalypse. (BTS and TXT)Where stories live. Discover now