Episode-8: Unexpected

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She sprinted out the door, only to freeze like a deer caught in zombie headlights...

Still A/n POV

All the zombies lay sprawled in front of the room, as if they'd just finished a rigorous yoga session and needed a post-Shavasana snack. Shocked, she tiptoed back inside.

But today, Lady Luck must've been sipping a chai latte elsewhere because one of the zombies stirred. And not just any zombie—it was the main villain zombie, complete with a menacing monologue and a subscription to "Zombie Vogue."

But hold on...

Why didn't the zombie notice Yn?

Was it playing hide-and-seek with its own brain?


Was it just really good at pretending?

Turns out, it wasn't blind. Its eyes were just fashionably accessorized with blood. Who knew that was the latest trend in zombie chic? Yn, blissfully unaware of the zombie's impeccable fashion sense, tiptoed toward the door, quieter than a mime on a stealth mission.

The zombie, realizing Yn thought it was blind, felt a pang of embarrassment. If zombies could blush, it'd be redder than a beetroot.

But let's address the zombie-sized elephant in the room:

Since when do zombies have existential crises? Do zombies need beauty sleep?

To fix these plot hiccups, let's rewind to the scene where A/n falls head over heels for a zombie with the charm of a kitten.

A/n: "Excuse me, miss, could you shuffle aside?"

Cute Zombie: "Grrh!"

A/n: "Why the grumbling? Got a case of the undead indigestion?"

Cute Zombie: (Turns and faces A/n with the grace of a ballerina)

A/n: "Holy guacamole! Abracadabra!" (And poof, disappears into the room)

Now, let's fast-forward to the scene where a zombie tries to count their numbers but keeps losing track.

The zombies were piling up at the door like it was Black Friday, and the door was the last TV on sale.

Y/n, seeing the imminent door breach, hatched a plan.

Y/n: "Team, gather 'round!"

Others: "What's the master plan?"

Y/n: "I'll leap out the window, circle back, and lead the zombies on a merry chase. When I whistle, make a break for it!"

Namjoon: "But that's as risky as eating sushi from a gas station!"

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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