Episode-6: Can We Escape The Room?

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The room was a cacophony of panic, everyone shouting over each other like it was a Black Friday sale and the last TV was up for grabs.

A/n POV:

Amidst the chaos, they forgot the one thing that could save them – indoor voices. Instead, they hollered like they were trying to win a screaming match with a rock band.

Y/n: What to do? What to do? What to do??? Oh my god!! Someone, turn on the idea lightbulb!

Namjesus: (Appearing with a divine glow, holding a manual titled 'Apocalypse for Dummies') Yes, my child, I see you're in a bit of a pickle – zombie flavored, I presume?

Y/n: Yes! What's the game plan?? (She yells, probably alerting even the zombies in the next town.)

Everyone else: Who in the world are you yelling at?!

Y/n: (Whispering fiercely,) It's a secret strategy meeting, okay? Now shush!

O girl: (Rolls her eyes so hard, they almost do a full orbit.) Whatever!

Y/n thinking: Please, enlighten me!

Namjesus: You really think I'm here to hand out cheat codes? Nah, I've got a crab rave to attend.

Y/n: Crab rave? Is that the 'important work' you mentioned?

Namjesus: Absolutely! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go. But remember, I'm always here for you, in spirit. (He winks.) J-Pope, fetch my party hat!

J-Dope: On it, boss!

And just like that, the divine hotline went dead, leaving Y/n to brainstorm with her own, slightly less holy, brain cells.

Y/n: (Facepalms) Of all the luck, I had to end up trapped here.

Others: Hey, what about us? Do you think we came here for a picnic? Where do you see any baskets?

Yoongi: Alright, folks... Wake me up when you're done playing 'Zombie Apocalypse.' (Slips into hibernation mode)

Y/n: (Stares blankly)

Others (excluding Yoongi and Y/n): (Also staring blankly)

Y/n: You're not supposed to narrate your feelings! That's the job of our dear, 'hardworking' author.

Others (excluding Yoongi and Y/n): So, we just stand here like mannequins? Cool, cool. (Continues to give no reaction)

Y/n: Perfect. Keep up the good work.

Everyone (excluding Yoongi): (No reaction, but somewhere a cricket chirps, providing the soundtrack to their silence)

Zombies (thinking): What's the deal with these humans? Peeking time!

A/n: That's one smart zombie!

Zombie: Indeed, I am! Scored an A on my blood test back when I was human.

A/n: That's... impressive?

Zombie: (Blushes, if zombies could blush, and scurries away)

A/n: (Confused, then whispers) She's got a crush on me! Till next time, zombie sweetheart!

A/n: But wait, why's it so quiet in there? Time for some A/n magic! (Casts a spell and pops into the room, only to be greeted by...)

- To Be Continued

What do you think happened??

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