Episode- 4: Soulmate Express?

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BTS (all together): "First peck? We'd like to throw our hats in the ring for that!"

???: "Count me in as well!"

Y/n POV:

I spun around so fast, I almost entered another timezone. (Y/n, please, think of the neck muscles!)

And my face was... shocked? Nope, just pure, unadulterated confusion. Who are these mystery guests?

Y/n: Who the quack are you? (Remember, kids, 'quack' is the new 'duck'.)

Mr. Cat: TXT?

Y/n: Who in the Queen's English are they? I'm alrea—

My jaw dropped mid-sentence when I realized... they're TXT!

Y/n: (Adopts the iconic Pikachu face) OOOOh Maah GoDDDD!!! (Ooh mah gu turu lob)

Beomgyu: (Pouts adorably) I call dibs on the first kiss!

BTS and The Girl Whose Name Starts With 'O': And what monopoly do you have on her lips, sir?!

Yeonjun: [Grabs Y/n's hand with the finesse of a Victorian gentleman] Behold, our cosmic connection.

BTS: But she's our cosmic connection! (Volume increases to 'shouty shouty' levels)

The Girl Whose Name Starts With 'O': What in the world of soulmates is going on here? She's destined to be my partner in crime!! (Also joins the 'shouty shouty' club)

A/n POV:

The decibels reached 'Dhoom Machale' levels as he entered the room, only to find his crush in a goddess-level embrace.

Dhoom Machale (DM): What's this ruckus? Still debating the metaphysics of soulmates? It's been a whopping 3 hours, folks. Let's not plan the wedding just yet.

The laughter that erupted from Y/n could've powered a small village. DM blushed a shade of tomato.

TXT's collective brain: Should we dial the funny farm?

The Girl Whose Name Starts With 'O': Hey, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Confused, you also think you're Y/n's soulmate?

DM: I'm as soulless as a pair of discount sneakers. But 'My Y/n'? You got dibs on her too?

The Girl Whose Name Starts With 'O': Nope, no dibs. Just good old-fashioned love!

DM & The Girl Whose Name Starts With 'O' (simultaneously): Wait, if we're both soulless, does that make us... soul-mates by default?

Y/n: (Laughs nervously) Great plan, right? Riiight?

DM: Hold up, I'm not even sure if Y/n likes me back. And another thing... (dramatic point) why are you recruiting me into this soulmate syndicate? Got a crush on me too?

The Girl Whose Name Starts With 'O': Crush? On you? Well, duh!

DM: Well, who wouldn't fall for someone as stunning and kind as you?

The Girl Whose Name Starts With 'O': (Blushes like a cherry blossom) I like you too! (Initiates a tactical retreat with a back hug)

Y/n: (Blushing enough to compete with a sunset) Okay... What's the verdict, team? (Turns to BTXT, who are already planning a future so bright, they need sunglasses.)

An: (Cringes so hard, chiropractors are concerned)

[An: Maybe I should stick to the Yoongi fanfic... (Oops, spoiler alert for the grand finale!) Seriously, who needs a plot when you have sleepless nights and fanfics?]

And now, back to our regularly scheduled chaos...

Y/n: Hello? Earth to BTXT, do you copy? Your bodies are here, but your brains seem to be on a spacewalk. (She waves a hand in front of their daydreaming faces)

Y/n: Guys! (She claps her hands, ready to unleash a sarcasm supernova) Are we decorating for a wedding or what?!

BTXT: Huh! (Snapped back to reality) What's cooking?

Y/n: (Rolls her eyes with the force of a thousand eye-rolls) I was wondering, should we go for an Indian extravaganza or a Korean soiree for the wedding? Thoughts?

BTXT: (Faces turn redder than a stop sign) Oh, um, you pick... and, uh, are we adding DM and 'O' to our merry band?

Y/n: (Heart melts like butter on a hot pan) That's exactly what I was asking while you were off in la-la land. So, are we all aboard the soulmate express?

BTXT: Yes!!! (They chorus, sounding like a boy band out of sync)

Y/n: And why have you turned into a human echo chamber lately?

BTXT: We don't—Hey, stop copying me! (They bicker like ducklings squabbling over breadcrumbs)

Y/n: Alright, break it up. Any last-minute objections to adding our two star-crossed lovers to the group?

BTXT: No, we don't— (They're interrupted by a mysterious voice)

???: I object this!!

Who do you think is this?

Actually i will give you some hints.

He is a person who is going to get into trouble if BTXT gets into relationships.

I gave you a very easy hint.

Don't be a shy and a silent reader and try to vote or at least comment which is enough for me to know whether my story is good or not. If you won't atleast comment i will haunt you with my and's whenever you try to sleep.

Meme for this episode:

Meme for this episode:

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