II. Maid to Be Creepy.

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She couldn't remember sleeping so well in weeks.

How strange.

No monster had tormented her, and she hadn't heard the bull crashing against the hotel wall yet. She hadn't heard the noises that creature made. She had slept perfectly undisturbed.

Something was wrong.

She reluctantly got out of bed; it was too soft with feather duvets. The room was designed in an elegant and timeless style, with a palette of soft colours and high-quality materials. Additionally, it was equipped with the latest technologies, such as flat-screen TVs, surround sound systems, and smart lighting control.

Getting the room wasn't very difficult. Now, groomed and somewhat presentable, she had made her way to the east wing of the hotel, which was hundreds of kilometres away from the entrance. She still couldn't comprehend how it could be so large when it appeared to be almost the same size from the outside as the other luxury hotels she had sneaked into, and yet this one seemed five times bigger. It took her almost half an hour to reach that area of the hotel because she had gotten lost along the way. She planned to pick the lock, but just then she saw one of the workers exiting the room with a bunch of keys in his hand.

She approached him with the best smile she could muster while he had his back turned.

"Excuse me, that room is mine."

He laughed and turned around with a smirk of superiority.

"I don't think so, brat. This room was cancelled less than an hour ago, and..."

She smiled.

"Oh, really?"

His dumbfounded expression and his eyes scanning her from head to toe confirmed that he had fallen for her charms as well.

"I was informed that this room became available."

"Of course, that's why it was given to me."

She approached him cautiously, blinking slowly. The worker furrowed his brow and took a deep breath. Thankfully, she had sprayed herself with one of the perfumes from the first-floor bathroom; otherwise, her plan could have been jeopardized.

The man in front of her finished sniffing the scent and closed his eyes, running his tongue over his lips.


What I do for a comfortable bed.

He opened his eyes and smiled, noticing a sparkle in his gaze.

"Of course, miss. Our mistake. They must not have informed me in time. My apologies."

"Don't worry," she smiled again, "I needed a room urgently, and your colleague offered it to me."

His tilt of the head and unwavering smile unsettled her a bit, but she maintained her composure.

"Of course, miss. Here are your keys."

As she reached for the keys, their hands collided, and even though she tried to pull away, his hands held onto hers for a few seconds, gently caressing them.

"Uh... Thank you," she managed to free herself and walked around him to reach her room.

He continued to stare at her intently but didn't move from his spot.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, and I'll come right away."

She gave one last awkward smile before quickly entering the room. Let's say that of all the encounters she had had with people she had manipulated, this had been the strangest one. It was true that many others had also tried to overstep their boundaries with her on different occasions, but this one had been strangely uncomfortable. It hadn't been as clingy, but it had made her more nervous than she thought it would.

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