The Remake of this Story...

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Good day to you all! Surprise, surprise!

I hope everyone is having a splendid time. If not, I do hope this book brightens your day!

The original YUXUAN story was written in 2021. After a year (almost 2) I've decided to rewrite the book with more fleshed out characters and expanding my world.

Of course, this is a remake, not a complete rewrite. Ideas from the Original story are borrowed, but I've made several changes to add depth to these characters. The original books (both 1 and 2) will be kept on Ko-Fi, because they are still independent reads.

BEFORE READING: I based the culture on a group of people that has very LITTLE information kept of them on Google and Encyclopedias. So I want to apologize in advance if my information isn't 100% accurate. I could only pull up written text, video game stories, and YouTube videos about the nanman based on OPPOSING groups who describe how they were like in the past.

Enjoy :)!

Enjoy :)!

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