Chapter Two

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"I didn't want my father to be involved in my work because he was a major control freak

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"I didn't want my father to be involved in my work because he was a major control freak." 

A photo of our beloved Alexandrea.


"Good morning, Hansel!" I walked into our office with a big smile on my face. I managed to leave the estate without my father reprimanding me. I had Jules to thank for that.

Hansel, a plump short man with graying hair, raised his head above his desk to look at me. He smiled wide and waved at me. "Alexandrea! How are you?"

Hansel was my business partner.

We both studied animals. Although I wasn't as professional a zoologist as Hansel, we both worked pretty well as a team. He wrote based on his research and I would proofread and sketch for his articles.

He was very skilled with writing, while I was better at notetaking and documenting. Whenever a new article was completed it would be published in the London Newspaper.

After printing the word would be spread. The job paid well because people from London had never seen vast creatures in person. But I've heard that Hansel's descriptive skills are very impressive.

However, I wanted to write a book about a creature I've always admired since I was a little girl. I wanted to see the elephants myself. I wanted to study them and write based on my personalized behavioral research.

My father always told me that there were so many animals where I came from. I wanted to see them for myself.

It was hard for me to become a zoologist since I was a woman. Even my father's authority couldn't change any school's opinion.

So Hansel and I worked this job to save money to travel to Thailand. I heard there were many elephants there.

"You're not going to believe the day I had yesterday." I sighed and placed my coat over one of the chairs. My dress was less exposed at the top, allowing me to move around more freely without any strange looks from men.

"Oh dear, what happened?"

"My father forced me to go out with Richard Edwards."

"Richard Edwards? Isn't he the young man who owns the mines out west?"

"Yes," I huffed.

"He's the best-looking man out of the three boys, right?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't care how handsome the women seem to think he is. He's the devil!"

"I take it your outing didn't go well."

"My father knows I've been having issues with that man since I was little. He used to push me into horse dung or pour water over my head. And he only got worse as we grew." I explained. "I tried to tell my father that, and he completely looked over it."

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