Chapter Five

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I should've thought more positively. As if my seasickness wasn't as bad as it was, the shouting from the crew stirred anxiety within me. The men that were once prancing around the deck proudly were in a rush to handle something.

"What the bloody blazes?" Peterson sucked his teeth and eyed the crew suspiciously. He was wondering what was happening too.

It wasn't until Captain Frank stepped out of his quarters that we were enlightened. He hurried down the stairs and paced over to the bow of the ship.

His staring into the sky made me wonder. I noticed that the once bright blue sky was now tinted with gray. Where did all of these Clouds come from?

"What's going on?" Peterson demanded. "What's all the hullabaloo?"

"It appears a storm's a-comin'" Frank raised his cap and scratched his head. "A bad one, indeed."

"Is that why all the lads aboard are running around like headless chickens?" Peterson scoffed.

"They know what to do."

"You said a storm is coming. Is that... is that bad?" I gulped.

Frank sensed my worry. He responded to me with a warm smile and a firm nod. "Don't you worry, Miss Noles. I'm the finest sailor you ever did see. I haven't wrecked a ship yet in my 20 years of sailing. We'll have to take a small detour, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"Hold it," Peterson sneered. "A detour? What kind of detour?"

"We may reach our destination a bit later than usual. We want to avoid the darker clouds ahead. It'll give us some time to be out of the rain's way."

"Certainly, you're bluffing," Peterson argued. "Take us straight through. A little rain won't hurt."

"A little rain?" Captain Frank scoffed, "Are you mad, lad? A storm is a very dangerous force to mess with! Today is not one when I wish to test the lord! The detour won't be long."

"My brother and I are being paid by the day. Can it, and take us through." Peterson snapped. He was much taller than the captain, so his stature was very intimidating. Captain Frank gave in with a sigh.

"Very well."

"If payment is a problem, I can convince my father to give you more. I'd rather take the safer route." I suggested, but Peterson dismissed my idea.

"This is no decision for a woman to make."

"I suggest you prepare well for what lies ahead." Frank narrowed his eyes and straightened his cap. He brushed Peterson's shoulder forcefully, frustrated with his rebuttals.

After a simple shout and command, the crew hastened their steps. I could feel the boat being steered back. We were positioned to take a straight shot through the dark sky.

Some of the sails were still lowered. As we approached the area Frank wanted to avoid, the water began to rock the boat much harsher than before. The wind picked up too.

I could feel my hair being tugged around my neck and whipped around my face aggressively. I knew it would become tangled again if I stayed on the deck. I didn't want to spend another few hours brushing these curls.

I felt droplets of water dancing around my skin before they became heavier. The falling water was too much for me to bare. I decided to head back to my cabin until we got through.

I took one step forward and the ship dipped. A wave of water gushed on board and washed some of the crew away from the brim. The water soaked my shoes and I squealed in horror. They were shoes that my mother bought for me. I feared that the salt would ruin them.

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