Chapter Three

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Now where were those golden papers? I remember that mine were a darker tint than my parents. My travel papers were stamped at the port of western ports of Africa. My father had shown them to me before, only when he'd tell me stories of the time when they brought me home.

"Alexandrea, is everything alright in there?"

"Of course, Bella," I rolled my eyes and fumbled through various knick-knacks in his drawer. Where were those blasted papers?

I turned around and began searching through a crate on top of the dresser behind my father's desk. The moment I flipped some papers over, a cloud of dust entered my lungs and I began to cough. If my papers were anywhere, they had to be in here where Bella didn't touch them.

"Are you unable to find what Mr. Noles asked for? Do you need my assistance?"

"It's okay,"

Bella went silent for a few more minutes. I was able to think better without her nagging. But right when I found a sheet the color I was looking for, I heard her gasp and utter something under her breath.

"Oh bloody heck, I'll be out soon, Bella. I swear. Don't get your knickers twisted." I was right. I found it. I pulled out the papers and spun around with a large grin plastered on my face, but I bumped into a hard torso and almost dropped my documents.

When I saw who I had bumped into, my smile disappeared. "Father," I gasped and bit my lip nervously. His eyes burned with rage and his nostrils flared. "You're wearing the shirt Mother bought for you," I laughed awkwardly. "It is a nice color, as she said—"

"Don't talk your way out of this one, Alexandrea." My father sneered at me. He snatched the papers out of my hand and studied the contents carefully. When his eyes roamed back to mine, his glare hardened.

"Father," I took a breath, "I could explain—"

"Sneaking into my office and stealing is a new low. I did not raise you this way. Have you gone mad? Have you? Alexandrea?"

"No, I haven't! I just—"

"Not a word." He held a hand in front of my face and huffed. He continued his lecture and raised his voice for the entire house to hear.

"If I wanted riff-raff in my home I would've brought one from the streets. I don't expect or condone this behavior from my daughter."

"And you," My father looked at Bella with a disappointed scowl. "I brought you into my home as one of my best servants. I've promoted you to a higher position. Without me, you would've slaved away in your country. And this is how you repay me? By helping my daughter persist in her disobedience?"

"Certainly not, sir." Bella shook her head.

"Explain why I shouldn't have you sacked?"

"Bella didn't have anything to do with this, Daddy." I brought my hands to my chest and tried to explain. I didn't want her to be fired. Yeah, I may have threatened her a little, but it wasn't supposed to cause any detriment. "It was my fault. Don't blame her."

I stared at my father with the most pitiful glance I could show. My father only tightened his jaw in response. Then he rolled his eyes and dismissed Bella. "I'll deal with you later. Leave my office and close the door."

"Yes, sir. Right away, Mr. Noles." Bella bowed her head submissively before exiting the study. I could feel the tension the moment I heard the door click. The silence in the room was very thick.

"Daddy, I—" I reached for his arm, but he yanked it away from me and stalked around the desk.

"I am tired of your foolish games, Alexandrea." He sat in his chair, causing the cushion to make a soft puff sound to halt the disturbing quiet atmosphere. "Have you run off and apologized to Richard?"

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