Chapter 9

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(MK's POV)

     "What?" That's all I had to ask. The Sun God of Egypt. A coward? Why? Why would a god be a coward? How could he be a coward? Eyth slowly watched us with eyes like an animal that could kill us as he walked over to a wall. He raised his hand and clean the wall completely in one swipe. Mei and I gasped to see the wall covered in drawings. One of a large snake. Another that shows the Jade Emporer. Then what looks like Monkey King. All of them have a little snake.

     I scratched my head, trying to think of what Eyth is trying to tell me. But before I could question, he placed a hand on the wall where what looked like the Monkey King.

     "The 10th Gathering. HE came for the first time." He moved to the Jade Emporer. "He had his suspicion about seeing me for the first time. Blamed me for every little thing that happened. The last sandwich. The tear in his robe. The wrong drink. Every. Little. Thing." His hand turned into a fist before slamming it into the wall and cracking it. The crack cut off the Jade Emporer's picture and just cut the head off of Monkey King. "Everything was fine, almost perfect," he quickly turned to face us, his face flashing up close to where I jumped at his speed. "UNTIL THE LAST SECOND WHEN THAT FURRY BLASTING LYING BEAST PLAYED ME AS A FOOL!"

     I hugged Mei as she tried to block me like a shield. His eyes were glowing in rage and sorrow. He wanted revenge. He calmed down a bit and backed away a bit. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh. He looked up again and put his hands on his hips. "Because of your Monkey King, I was banished! Because of my Sun God, he was a coward to not question your Jade Emporer to his quick temper! And was a coward to not say anything! All because of the ridiculous, cretinous, fatuous pact!"

     I blinked. "Wait, wait, wait!" I spoke up, stopping Eyth from talking. "There was a pact between the Gods of China and Eygpt?" Eyth groaned as he rubbed his fingers against his nose. "Yes, there is. And because of the pact and your foolish mentor, I was banished from my home!" I took a step back from Eyth while nervously giggling. "H-How about a d-deal?" I suggested in a bit of a panic.

     Eyth tilted his head to the side as he pulled out his weird sword thing at my neck. "A deal?" He questioned.

     "Y-Yes! A deal! A deal that will help both of us!"

     He hummed, moving his glowing lavender eyes to the ground before looking back at me, making me jump a bit. He puts his sword away. "Speak." I gasped for air before trying to think. "How help us meet your Gods and help save your home. And after everything is done, you get to have a one-on-one spar with Monkey King. Letting out all of your anger to him for as long as you'll like. But not long enough to where we may never see him again. And you can't play with my friends like your stupid toys!"

     He hums again, rubbing his fingers against the handles of swords at his hips. He then brought out his hand. I smiled. He agrees! I went to shake his hand, then he pulls me into some sort of hug, placing his hand on my back. A weird warm and cold wave of his fingers curled on my back as I heard a click. He then pushes me back and shakes my hand firmly. "The deal is sealed. If you or any of your friends break it, I will crush your very existence," he growled as he walked away.

     I fell to my knees, my heart pounding in fear as my head span in circles. Then I remembered, "Hey! What about the others? We can't complete our deal if they're trapped like this!"

     Eyth growls before throwing something at the ceiling roots of the green cocoons before they all fell to the floor, kicking up the sand with a poof. I quickly ran to Pigsy and Monkey King as Mei ran to Tang and Sandy. We quickly pulled them out of their cocoons and tried to wake them up. I tried doing a light nudge while Mei started slapping their faces. Tang woke up immediately, gasping for air. I hummed as I hit Pigsy.

Son of Meretseger (Macaque x Oc) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now