Chapter 11

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(Macaque's POV)

     It felt like I was falling. But I didn't know what I was facing. Everything is so bright. I could only see white. Then, the sound of screaming hit my ears. I tried to balance myself out and looked at what I think is down. I saw everyone. MK and Tang scream while holding each other. Mei was laughing. Sandy was calm while Pigsy was holding onto the big blue man for his life. While Wukong was leaning back, hands behind his head.

     "You alright there, bud?" He asked, having a smile grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and legs. Then, I heard two loud slaps. I looked down to see Eyth hissing at MK and Tang.

     "Would you two stop screaming like a swarm of little ticks? We're almost there! So stop hugging each other like liches and act excited or whatever you do when you meet a god for the first time." Eyth pulled Tang and MK apart from each other and dived lower through the white falling hole thing. "Wait, wait, wait, wait! We're meeting a god already!?" MK asked, his eyes sparkling with stars. Eyth groaned before saying, "No, we're meeting the tooth fairy- Yes! You are! Pay attention, kid! You're lucky it's only Sobek."

     Just then, he disappeared out of the white hole. "Who's Sobek?" MK asked before he disappeared out of sight. Soon, Tang disappeared. Sandy and Pigsy. Then, Wukong. And soon, the white light consumed my vision before I saw darkness. Then the bright like of the sun while hitting a solid surface. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright sun. But then, something blocked the sunlight.

     "Rise and shine, sleeping grater~!"

     My eyes opened fully and see Eyth looking down at me. "Took quite a hit to the head, doncha think?" He reached his hand out for me. But as I went to reach for it, I noticed that his hand wasn't five-fingered. It was four-fingered. I felt a bit weird about it before taking it. He swiftly lifted me to my feet with ease, dusting the sand off of me before quickly walking away without making eye contact. I looked around at my surroundings to see a sunroof above me and inside a different temple. Similar back in the Valley of Kings. I began to walk forward. I noticed everyone was here. Standing and looking at everything. It looks like the temple here was recently built. The pictures on the walls are similar but different stories with other characters.

     Then, I see Eyth walk out of the temple's entrance. I followed and was hit by the sunlight. A wave of heat hit my skin like I was inside a warming oven. I look out to see Eyth standing there, but a bright jade glow surrounded him as his figure started to change. He grew out a tail with stripes and spikes. Grew a bit taller. Probably about two inches taller than me. His clothes shifted into a bit of an update. All clean, with no stitches and a thin gold line in almost every way possible.

     He turned around, arms behind his back. When everyone exited the temple, he began to speak. "Mortals, welcome-" He was tackled to the ground by a giant crocodile. We all yelped and screamed at the sudden appearance. I pulled out a spiked staff and MK pulled out his, ready to fight. But then, we heard laughing.

     "Sobek! Enough!"

     "Why? I haven't seen you in ages, Little Egg!"

     'Little Egg?' I thought as I cleared my throat, getting the crocodile's attention. The crocodile's eyes were completely white when he turned to face me. "E-Excuse me, but who are you?" I politely asked, hiding my staff behind me. The crocodile then started to change and stand up. Growing taller than Sandy. I want to say about fourteen feet tall. It wore a little belt skirt thing around its waist and some elements of armor around its chest and shoulders. But mostly shirtless. Showing scars of battles and some wear and tear in his armor. It then laughed and went down on one knee.

     "My deepest apologies. It is not common to have visitors go through our gate. I am Sobek. God of the Nile, fertility, and crocodiles. A pleasure to meet you, travelers," the giant crocodile said. His voice showed promise and kindness. But at the same time, sounds like he doesn't want us on his bad side. Tang then pushed me to the side with his eyes like stars. "OH! MY! EMPEROR! IT IS YOU! IT IS SUCH A PLEASURE TO HAVE A GOD IN MY PRESENCE! SORRY IF I AM OVERBEARING BUT I JUST NEVER SEEN A REAL GOD IN FRONT OF MY OWN EYES BEFORE!" Sobek lets out a loud and heavy chuckle. "It is my honor, human. I hope the journey here wasn't hard. I hope Eyth has treated you well."

     "Well, actually, we did run into a big worm that tried to eat us," MK said with an unsure face, scratching the back of his head. "But we're okay!" He ended with a smile. I looked at Sobek as his eye twitched. He took in a breath and spoke. "Did Eyth warn you to be quiet?" MK stayed silent as the rest of us looked the other way. Sobek stood up as his shoulders relaxed. "At least, all of you are unharmed. Sandworms are extremely hard to handle when it's mating season. Good thing that happens every 10 to 1,000 years."

     We were in awkward silence until Eyth stepped in.

     "Sobek, we need a ride to Isis' temple. These are the Jade Emporer's chosen warriors to help us with our...problem." Sobek clapped his hands. "Great! Lead them to the Nile. And may I suggest taking a little bath? You smell like you haven't taken a nice cold bath in weeks," Sobek suggested, pointing at Eyth. "SOBEK!"

     "I'm just saying what the nose says. Besides, you don't want to show up to Ra dressed like that." Eyth growled at the name Ra and marched away, dragging Tang away from the giant crocodile. But as I was about to follow, Sobek stopped me and Wukong with his tail. He got to one knee and glared at us with a glowing white flame in his eyes. I turned to Wukong. He was sweating bullets as he shivered in fear.

     "So," he began. His voice was so deep it shook our stomachs and lungs. "You came back, Sun Wukong." Wukong started to laugh nervously and loudly.

     "Croc Man! How's it been? Been a while since I last saw you!" Wukong pulled the collar of his scarf. "Oh, hey! How's-" "Enough." With that, Wukong shuts up with a little squeak. "You know what is expected here, correct?" Wukong nodded his head, too scared to say a word to the god. "Good." He backed away and moved his tail. His gaze then went to the snake ahead. "He went through enough since you were last here. I don't want to see him hurt again. Do you understand, Sun Wukong?"

     "Yep! Right on it, croc boss! Heard ya loud and clear!" Wukong said, scared for his life if he could die. "I want you to promise me you won't hurt him like that ever again. I want you to say it." Wukong dropped his nervous smile and took in a breath, his shoulder slouched. "I promise I won't hurt Eyth as I did that night, Sobek."

     Sobek nodded before following Eyth. I took my chance and hit the back of Wukong's head. "Hey! What was that for?"

     "I want to know!"

     "Know what!?"

     "What happened? What did you do to Eyth so bad that the literal God of Crocodiles had to make you promise!? What made Ammit, the Devourer of Souls, had said? All of it!" I shouted, growling. My teeth showed themselves as Wukong growled back. Then, he dropped it and started walking after the group. "You're not walking away so easily, Wukong! I want to-"

     "Not now," he spoke a little above a whisper. "Later. Okay?"

     I wasn't fond of holding his answer, but I hummed and crossed my arms.

Son of Meretseger (Macaque x Oc) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now