Chapter 12

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As we walked behind Eyth and Sobek to the Nile, Tang, and MK were fanboying over the fact they were in the presence of a god. Sandy and Pigsy were thinking of what to eat for lunch. At the same time, Wukong looked worried for what was to come.

     Eventually, we reached the Nile River. It was large and it was pointing up toward north. I got confused by the river's current until MK jumped into the river. "Canon Ball!" He cheered as he made a splash. Mei followed after him. Then, Sandy. They started playing in the water. The Nile was pretty to look at, but since Sobek was with us, the God of the Nile and crocodiles, I stayed out of the water.

     "Don't look so down, Macaque," Sobek said as he kneeled to my side, placing his large hand on my shoulder. "Why not jump in? I bet you wanted to swim in some water for quite some time."

     Well, he wasn't wrong. I took off my shirt and scarf before jumping in. I never thought I'd miss water so much.


(Eyth's POV)

     My head started to hurt as if I had been hit with the worst heat wave. As I walked alongside the Nile, Sobek walked up to me and nodded his head. I knew what he meant. I nodded back before stepping into the small patch of trees, hiding from the gaze of the sun. I brush my hand against the hardwood of a tree.

     I almost forgot what a tree felt like.

     I continued walking in the wonderful shade, walking away from the loud cries of the mortals and monkeys. Soon, I found a familiar little pond with a stone circle.


     I ran as fast as I could before jumping in the air. It felt like flying until I made a splash in the water. The big crocodile god laughed loudly as he picked me up from the pond. "Quite a splash, huh?" He said with a huge grin. I cheered in his hands, wagging my tail in excitement.

     "It was so much fun! I wanna go higher! Make a bigger splash than before!"

     "Not now, Little Egg," a woman's voice said. She gently took me away from the crocodile's claws and placed me back in the water. "You still haven't washed."

     "I don wanna take a bath! Imma snake! I don take baths!" I complained, crossing my arms with a pout. The woman giggled to herself before softly pouring the pond's water on my head. "I know you don't like baths, but if you bathe at least once every month when you shed your skin, you'll grow stronger. Your skin will grow tougher than before." With the thought of having tougher skin, I dunked myself under the water before jumping to th surface and quickly scrubbing my arms. The crocodile and woman laughed at my repeated action until I got tired. Just as I was about to leave the pond, the woman splashed me. I quickly turned around and splashed her back.


     I let out a small laugh at the memory. I walked down to the pond and saw a shine of crocodile scale with a hint of red on the tip of the tail. My grin grew at the old friend. I kneeled at the edge of the stone circle and reached my hand out. Soon, the crocodile crawled out of the water and reached its snout to my palm. "Nice to see you too, Akio. Hope Uncle Sobek took good care of you while I was gone."

     Akio wagged his tail as he crawled into my feet, wishing to be in my lap. I let out another laugh as I sat down, allowing him to crawl into my lap. He nuzzles his head in my neck as I pat his head. His tail then splashed water on me. He quickly crawled back into the water. I smiled as I stood up and removed my clothes before diving into the water. I quickly caught Akio and we started playing together. Tugging each other's tails, wrestling into the deep end, and simply chasing each other around the pond.

     I miss this. Playing with one of my best friends. Running freely. Back home. Home.

     Eventually, Akio got tired and rested in the shade. I sat in the pond, floating in the water peacefully. The coolness of the water and the warmth from the sun. The most iconic duo. They work together in many ways. The mortals need it to survive, but too much of anything can cause them to pass. If the mortals are feeling heated, they can go into the water. If they are feeling cold, they can go into the shine of the sun.

     A duo that creates the perfect balance.

     I ducked into the water and relaxed my body. Listening to the deaf silence. Letting the water swim through my every scale. I swam back to the surface near the shallow end. I stood to the full height and started rubbing my scales, getting every speck of sand out.


(Macaque's POV)

     After leaving the river and drying under the sun's warmth, I noticed Eyth was nowhere in sight. I started feeling worried. Did he just run off to get away from us? Or from something else? I turned to Sobek, who was playing with MK with his tail. "E-Excuse me, Sobek?" I politely asked. He turned his gaze to me, still keeping an eye on MK. "Yes, Macaque?"

     "I was wondering, do you perhaps know where Eyth is? I don't see him anywhere," I answered, not wanting to sound desperate or anything. Sobek raised a brow as a little crack in his smile became a smirk. I started feeling like he just opened me like a book. Sobek hummed, "I do know where he is. He is just bathing in his little pond. Just in the trees. Not too far from here."

     I let out a sigh of relief, glad to hear he was fine. But I still felt Sobek's eyes looking at me like reading something in a book I didn't know yet. "If you want, you can go visit him. Just...don't scare him. He's sensitive about his body."

     Now I'm scared to look for him. Pushing my thoughts to the back of my head, I grabbed my pants and started walking into the shade with the trees.

     As I walked deeper into the small woods, I started to notice how quiet it was. I'm not far from the gang, but it sounded like I was miles away from them. I felt isolated. But not in a way that makes me want to run away. It's, somehow, comforting. Before I got lost in the peaceful silence, I heard a little splash from my right. I walked toward it and hid in the closest bush there was. I took a breath and took a peek outside. At first, I saw a huge crocodile with a red-tipped tail splashing in the water.

     Then, I heard Eyth laughing. I peeked a little farther and I could see him fighting the crocodile. I saw about to help him but Eyth started to scratch the crocodile's stomach, flipping it onto its back. The crocodile's tail was wagging and splashing the water so much that it started to sprinkle onto me. I backed away a bit because the water got into my eyes.

     "Silly little croc!" I heard Eyth say before seeing him get thrown across the pond, making a splash into the water. Less than a second later, he jumped out of the water and started wrestling with the crocodile. In the end, the crocodile played dead. Just floating in the water on its back. Eyth started laughing again.

     I felt my face get hot. Like, really hot. To the point of sweating bullets. 'Why am I sweating so much? I know I'm nervous to see Eyth but not this nervous to the point of fainting from dehydration!'

     My hands flew to my face, trying to swipe the sweat off my face before it reached my eyes. As soon as my hand slid down my face, covering my mouth, my jaw dropped at the sight of Eyth. More specifically, his ass. He is. Bare. Ass. Naked. He started sprinkling water upon his scales, digging his small claws in between his scales to get every bit of sand out.

     'Why can't I look away?'

     As my eyes wander around the snake's figure, I look over every detail. His spots were decorated in a way like he was made of glass. His stripes looked like thin strings or harsh scars from giant claws. But then, I saw something on his head that didn't look right. I could barely see it, but it was a dark red color. As I tried to wait for Eyth to move his head so I could get a better look, my eyes got locked into Eyth's eyes. A pair of softly glowing lavender purple eyes. Like two shining coins looking at me. I nervously laughed but before I could explain anything, the crocodile jumped on me. It bit into my leg and started swinging me side to side like I was a toy.

     "Akio! No! Bad lizard! Drop it!"

(Random side note - From today {Aug 28, 2023}, my 17th birthday is in 2 months)
(I just thought it was interesting to say, because I didn't pay attention until now)
(Have a good rest of your day)

Son of Meretseger (Macaque x Oc) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now