Step Three: Receive an Extremely Aggressive Phone Call

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Raine lay face-down on their bed.

Their eyes were red and puffy from crying.

They were so close to reconnecting with Eda, to getting their best friend back.

Then they had to screw it all up.

"This is where spontaneity got me Darius, are you happy?" They muttered, despite the fact that Darius was many miles away, comfortable in his house with all his stupid fluffy throw pillows.

A crow-phone landed on Raine's windowsill and head-butted its way through their curtains.

Its mouth opened, but before whoever was on the line could speak, Raine did.

"Ignore." They said, waving their hand dismissively.

The crow flew away and promptly flew back.

The same routine happened three more times before Raine finally answered.

A particular human's voice came screaming through the speakers.


"Titan! I'm here." They took off their glasses to rub their eyes. "What do you want?"

"I would like to know why I came home from Amity's and Eda was just sitting on the couch. Her face was, like, redder than a strawberry!"

Raine winced.

"And then, when I asked what happened, all she could manage, I guess, was 'R-Raine!" And then she disappeared upstairs! I think she's still curled up in her nest. What did you do?" She said accusingly.

"Uh...nothing?" Raine tried.

"Nope. Not gonna work. I figured you weren't going to talk, so I'm just gonna go down my pre-prepared list." There was much rustling of paper. "Alright, did you get into an argument?"

Raine sighed, they weren't going to get out of this. "No."

"Did you punch her?"

"Titan no!" Raine found that idea absolute disgusting. "Why would you even-"

"Did you confess your feelings of love to her?"

"N-no! Not exactly." Raine forced out.

"Aha!" Luz practically yelled.

There was more rustling of paper.

"Now for the 'romantic option' sub-list."

"How many lists did you make?"

"Don't interrupt!" Luz barked. "Did you confess by talking?"

Raine groaned and put their head into their hands. "No."

"Did you kiss her?"

Raine was silent.

Luz gasped quietly before falling silent.

Raine's silence usually meant embarrassment or distress.

Luz's silence usually meant the plotting of nefarious acts.

A few moments later, she burst back to life.

"Okay! So, I'm gonna need you to come down to the Owl House tomorrow, got it? Come early, like seven or eight-ish."

"No. Not that soon."

"You better get your bard butt down here before we kidnap you again."

Raine winced at the memory. "Okay! Okay! Fine. I'll be there."

"Thank you!" Luz sang, drawing out the "o". "See you there! Byeeeeeee!"

The crow flew away and didn't come back.

Raine groaned and flopped back over.

This one is kinda short but whatever
Thx for reading
- a very weird author

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