Step 4: Everyone Just Needs To Go Away. Okay? Okay.

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When Raine awoke from a refreshing three hours of sleep, they immediately regretted waking up at all.

They grabbed their glasses off the side table and glanced at their clock.

6:54 A.M.

They gave a very real thought to just staying in bed permanently, but Eberwolf climbing through the window quickly put a stop to that plan.

Hello! Eber signed.

Post Day of Unity, Luz had introduced Eberwolf to sign language, and now they signed almost everything.

"Hello Eber," Raine said, sighing. They really needed to close their windows apparently. "Why, may I ask, are you climbing through my window at six in the morning?"

Me and Darius wanted to motivate you. He signed.

"Darius is here? At six in the morning?"

He's not super happy.

Eber pointed to the window.

Raine rushed to it and looked down. Darius stood with his arms crossed, tapping his foot impatiently.


Darius looked up. "Finally! I'm freezing to death out here."

It was the middle of summer.

"Now, open the door."

Raine stumbled through their hallway and wrenched the front door open.

"Thank you." Darius breezed past them and into their room where he immediately started rummaging through their closet.

"I'm hoping that's not what you plan to wear." He took in Raine's Lemon Demon t-shirt and non-binary color striped sweatpants.

"Of course not. These are my pajamas."

"Ghastly what some people sleep in."

Raine glanced at Darius's lavender silk pajamas and flowing robe with fur trim.


Darius spun around dramatically.

He seemed to do that a lot.

"I have been struck by a vision." He announced.

"I'm terrified." Raine deadpanned, falling onto their bed.

You probably should be Eber signed.

Raine groaned.

Darius proceeded to pull out one of the human sewing machines, a measuring tape and fabric out of his abomination bag.

"I come prepared." He stated, noticing Raine's quizzical look.

After taking Raine's measurements, he sewed a white sleeveless button-up shirt.

Raine thought this was a bit strange, but was really too tired to care.

Then, he sewed a pair of bishop sleeves made of tool embroidered with little white flowers.

"Ta-da!" He held it up with a flourish.

He handed to to Raine and began to rumange through their closet again. He pulled out a pair of black leggings and gave them to Raine before shoving them behind a changing screen Raine didn't remember owning.

When they stepped out, Darius gave two short claps. "Another great job by me!"

Reference for Raine's shirt :) I can't make it any smaller and I'm mad

Reference for Raine's shirt :) I can't make it any smaller and I'm mad

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Do not listen to him. You look great. Eber signed.

"Thanks Eber," Raine smiled. "Oh! By the way, how did you find out about my...predicament?"

Luz. Eber signed.

"Of course."

"May I ask," Darius started. "How the hell did you manage to go so far off your intricate plan?"

"I followed you advise." Raine muttered. "I was very spontaneous."

"Titan. Come on." Darius grabbed Raine by the hand and tugged them through the hallway and out the front door.

"We'll lock up. Good luck!"

Against their better judgment, Raine began the walk to the Owl House.

Hey guyssss!
Hope you enjoyed reading this
Love ya <3
- a very weird author

How To Seduce Eda Clawthorne (again) With Raine WhispersWhere stories live. Discover now