when i met you - fluff

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jean walked up to eren, fists clenched.

"so you think you can talk to me like that? oh, just wait yeager. you'll never see it coming.'' he spat, eyes full of rage.

"hey! dont talk to him like that!'' a voice yelled amongst the crowd of people.

"armin!'' mikasa yelled. ''dont! you'll get hurt!''

"i dont care!'' armin yelled, walking up to jean, immedetley regretting so, as his eyes showed he wasnt fucking around. 

"aw look. little twink boy wants to save his boyfriend.'' jean mocked. ''h-he's not my boyfriend. im not gay. and im not a twink!'' armin fumed. 

''really? the way you're looking right now says different, Arlert. youre looking at him all worried, like you'd attack me if i lay a single finger on him. would you?'' jean asked.

''i- yeah, i would! nobody hurts my best friend!'' armin yells. jean smiles. ''how cute. the blonde would surely attack me without hesitating. shows youre brave. i like you.'' he said, patting armin on the back.

jean then walked away from the crowd. he immedietly loved armin. he was special. and nobody was changing his mind.

Aot Oneshots!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora