balance - lime/fluff

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"alright brats, today you'll be balancing, for whatever reason there is." levi said, shrugging.

" arlert. you're up first. go now. " levi demanded.
armin ran up, adjusting himself, before resting his weight.

"woah!" he yelped, falling backwards, feet in the air.
everyone whispered, and giggled.

he looked up slightly to see jean looking.. there.

"JEAN!!" armin flushed, falling back. all he did was chuckle, walking over to the blushed boy.

" what? you looked kinda.. cute. " jean said, patting armins knee.
armin rolled his eyes.

"WOAH!! THEY'RE GAY!!" eren shouted. " EREN! " mikasa yelled. "MY BEST FRIENDS GAY!! ARMIN I SUPPORT YO-" he was cut off by mikasa.

"arlert, meet me here tonight, at 8:00 PM, sharp. understand me?"
" y-yes.. "

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