assasin - angst

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plot: Armin and Jean are assassins. They try to kill a famius business man, but it backfires. (Not rly a ship chapter)
Both men walked the streets at night, hoodies over their heads, guns hidden in their shirts.

They were ordered to assassinate a business man. He went by he name, Levi Ackerman.

Now, they knew the man wasn't stupid. Obviously. But this should be an easy mission, considering he's always working.
They surprisingly found him instead in an alleyway, smoking a cigarette.

He looked up as they hid, but discarded it to be some homeless.
Until he heard the sound of the gun.

"Ah, boys. I've been waiting." He smiled, flicking his cigarette.
Armin felt himself grow anxious. Did he actually know they were there or was he messing with them?

Jean obviously felt the same way. His face showed visible discomfort.

"Not answering, eh? Fair enough. Go ahead and kill me then." Levi sighed. Jean pushed down on the trigger, before a bang emitted and he fell onto the ground.

" JEAN!! " Armin screamed. He looked over at Levi, seeing Levis partner, Eren holding a gun, face blank.

"JEAN!! SPEAK TO ME!!" Armin cried, dropping onto the ground.
When Jean didn't respond, he got up and tried to run.

But he also never saw the day after that.
Both Levi and Eren deported the bodies of the assasains.

"How did you know, Eren?" Levi asked. Eren stayed quiet, looking down.

Levi pulled out a gun and pointed it at Eren.
"Tell me. Was it planned? Were you apart of it?" Levi asked, his finger on the trigger .

Eren stuttered but Levi pulled it, striking Eren in the head.

He fell with a loud thump.
"Tch. They try, but it never works. Why don't they just give up?" Levi spat at Eren, who's breathing slowly discarded.

"Because - t-they know,.. They c-can get-- you." Eren said, before Levi shot him again in the heart.

" Fucking traitor. "

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