Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:

Sitting on my bed, in my room, all alone. Reeaallyy boorriinngg. People may think it's time to rest, but my rest is sitting with all my friends. Yes, i'm extremely extroverted, and being alone makes me feel weird. I know that it may be weird to always want to be with people, but that's just how i am!

I quickly got up so my legs wouldn't fall asleep. I brushed my h/c tangle-filled hair, and got a new pair of pants and an oversized shirt. Even though I was a TAD BIT tired, I decided I was going to the nearest Starbucks to grab a drink and a snack. Maybe I could go to the park, but I'll make up my mind on the way. I brought a backpack, with just a water bottle, my keys and my phone. I put on some crocs, and started to walk into the elevator, into the lobby, and out the door into the neighbourhood. 

I live in a small 1 bedroom apartment, with only 1 of everything. 1 couch, one table, and for goodness sake's one chair! It's depressing, I know. But, I started my job in a little antique store, cleaning all of the trinkets on the shelves. Even if there's a million, it makes good pay, and good pay equals happy moi! Oh, did I say that i'm also taking french! I heard that the government pays you 32% more, which is pretty good to me. Maybe I could get another chair! But, for now, I am not living in a mansion, with butlers and free everything. I just have to wait until the money rolls. But, i'm hungry. So, i'm gonna use my money on Starbucks. 

As I walk through the door, I see that it's crowded. The only seat left is a bar seat beside a guy,  who has spiky hair. From afar, apart from less abs, he kinda looks like Goku from Dragon Ball. He was snacking on a sandwich, watching something on his phone. He was smiling, so he must've been enjoying it. I walked towards him, and I asked him a question.

"Hey! I'm just going to put my stuff here, is that ok with you?" I ask.

"Oh, why not! I'll watch them for ya." He replies.

I smile, then I put my stuff on the bar table. I walked towards the line, and oh my goodness it was super. flipping. long! But, I really needed fuel, like how phones need to be charged to get a battery percentage. So, I took my chances, and I waited... and waited... and waited.


(Now, the personalities! MS for Manitoba Smith, SL for Svetlana, C for chester, V for Vito, ML for Mal and M for Mike. Just wanted to clear that out. You guys better remember!)


V's POV:

We were all havin' a nice ol' card game, which was what chesta' recommended. I mean, even if I like to look at myself in the mirror, sometimes I just wanna hang out with my pals! We disappeared for a while.. but you could never really let go of somethin' that's a part of ya! So, coming back to Mike's brain made me happy. But, most importantly... I could look at my sweet slick abs! Haha!

"Alright, yo! Just like ol' times, let's get with this game! Uno time baby!" I say. 

"Alrighty, who changed the game to Buno!" C replies.

"Oh, no no! Uno, chester!" SL says.

"Ah, Buno Tuno... Let's play a good old game of... poker!" Chester then reveals a big deck of cards, for poker. What's poker, anyways? Eh, whateva'.

"Yo, we ain't playin' no ancient roman times game of poka'! Lets go play Uno, and I call first!" I say out loud.

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