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When Nimona got to the couples apartment, She pouted at the lack of-- In her words -- 'The lack of evil lair-y things!' 

"Well, Cause this is a home, not an evil lair- Which I never had!" Ballister told her, turning to Ambrosius who had a confused look on his face. 

"Awwww.. Well full disclaimer, I will be getting the battle axes from back home and bring them here." Nimona pointed out, Ballister pointed at her nose. 

"No. We do not need your giant axes in the house! We keep them at the evil lai- Dammit you've made the name stick!" Ballister growled, stomping off to the kitchen. "I'm making dinner." 

"Welp, Mr. Golden boy, Nice to officially meet ya!" Nimona stuck out her hand. "Hand shake?" 

Ambrosius moved his hand to hers, before they could shake, Nimona turned into a shark. 

"Uh- Heh- Can a shark shake hands?" Ambrosius asked nervously. 

"Of course we can!" Nimona smiled a big toothy grin. 

The two shook hands, Ambrosius resisted shivering when her body slowly deformed back into her human self. 

"Nimona, Stop teasing him!" Ballister yelled from the other room, poking his head out from the doorway. 

"You're a murderer!" Nimona yelled to him, "..Of fun." 

Ambrosius laughed nervously. 

"Larry, Your boyfriend looks freaked. Tell him to pull it together!.. Damn he looks worse then you when you found out! And he's seen me before!" Nimona yelled, The past-soldier groaned. 

"Love, Pull it together!" Ballister yelled. 

"Uh huh! Yep! Cool! Uh- I'm fine with this!" Ambrosius laughed nervously. 

Nimona nodded. "Kay. I'm gonna go to Bal." 

Nimona saw Ballister making weird looking food. 

"What's that?" Nimona asked, turning into a bird and landing on Ballister's shoulder. 

"Mac and Cheese." He told her, She cringed. 

"Why can't we have pizza?" She groaned. 

"Cause we're having Mac and Cheese." Ballister said. 

Nimona touched the stove, "That's warm." 

Ballister shoo'd her off. 

"Stop it!" Ballister told her, Nimona groaned and turned into a boy, she sat on the kitchen counter.

"Boring~!" Nimona sang. 

"Go and do something- That's not trying to spill the Mac and Cheese!" Ballister told her as she pushed the pot slightly. 

"Fine. I'll go and scare your boyfriend." Nimona shrugged, Jumping off the counter and bouncing towards Ambrosius. 

"Ambrosius! Watch me!" Nimona called, opening a window and jumping out. 

Ambrosius called out to her in fear, Nimona smiled as her wings sprouted. 

"Hah. She gotcha." Ballister smiled, placing three plants of Mac and Cheese. "Come and eat guys." 

Ambrosius sat down on the couch next to Ballister. 

"Nah, Ima go steal some pizza." Nimona shrugged, Ballister pulled her by her shoulder. 

"You can't live on pizza, kid." Ballister scruffed up her hair again, Nimona blew raspberries. "Just eat it." 

Nimona poked at the food with a spoon.

"This doesn't have any meat." Nimona observed. 

"Yeah, So?" Ballister asked, scooping up the Mac and Cheese with a spoon and eating it. 

"Why is it yellow." Nimona cringed. 

"Nimona." Ballister laughed. 

Nimona sobbed. 

"It looks gross!!" Nimona cried. 

"I mean.. She's not wrong, Is she, Bal?" Ambrosius laughed. 

"Mac and Cheese is delicious." Ballister chuckled. 

"Yeah, But it looks disgusting.." Ambrosius whispered, winking at his partner. 

"Betrayel." Ballister fake fainted on Ambrosius.

Nimona tried to sneak the food away. 

"Nimona." Ballister shot her a dirty look. 

"I will eat this, If we can get pizza." Nimona announced. 

"Sure, But you have to eat the whole thing." Ambrosius said, Ballister groaned. 

Nimona turned into a gorilla and chucked the whole thing, bowl and all, into her mouth. 

Nimona turned back into human. 

"Hm. Cheesy." Nimona licked her lips. "..Can I have more?" 

Ambrosius burst out laughing, Ballister face palmed. 

Nimona - Just like meWhere stories live. Discover now