Welcome to Arachno High

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Arachno High, Not the average high school with drop outs among highly talented kids. Not the average high school at all. Students are looked down upon by the entire world at this school. It's for creatures, creatures that are not just humans, but almost full on monsters. The name, Arachno High- Comes from the founder, who seemed like every other human, except he had an extra eight legs, chelicerae on the side of his mouth, and pairs of dark, glistening beady eyes across his face. He was what we now call, an Arachnohuman.

Today will be the first day that Natalie Scatorccio will be arriving at her new school. She's known that she was a witch since she was younger, and so did her adoptive parents. Scatorccio never wanted to go to Arachno High, but, she really had no choice.

Brrrggh. Natalie sighed, hearing the protected car roll up to the front of her trailer home. Her parents weren't home, so Nat just left. She didn't like them very much anyways, there was no point in goodbye's. Nat collected her bags, put on an old pair of low-top black converse, and was out the door.

"Well, Hello there, Scatorccio!" The Headmaster of the High school had came to escort Nat personally, because her parents wouldn't be able to take her. "Uh, Hello." Natalie said beneath her breath, looking down at her shoes. "Are you all packed? You're dorm room is all set for when we arrive." The Headmaster continued. "Oh, Yeah. I've got everything right here." Natalie eyed her backpack and hand bag. The Headmaster stood there for a second. "Alrighty then, Let's get going."

It took longer then Natalie had expected to get to the school, about two hours. The Headmasters car had pulled into a large gated area, and just beyond that was Arachno High. Before she knew it, Nat was in the Headmasters office.

"Ok, well, off you go Scatorccio." Headmaster waved her hand, pointing towards her opened office door. "Uh, Ok. See you around Mrs. H."
Headmaster gave Nat a soft smile, and she was gone. Natalie had been gifted the key to her dorm, Her dorm number, And her classes. She had also been told that someone called Van Palmer would be her roommate, and would be giving Nat a tour of everything.

The first thing Natalie noticed when stepping into her dorm room was the strong scent of Birthday cake. Second, was the size of the dorm. It seemed bigger then her whole trailer. Nat walked down the short hallway and was greeted with a door, she opened it, and luckily it was her room, well, unless her dorm mate had absolutely nothing in her room but a bed and desk.

She had finished unpacking, and even decorated a little bit with posters and trinkets from her old room. Her roommate though, Van, Has still yet to show. 'What do I do now? ...just sit around and wait I guess, god damn it would suck if i got lost in this big ass building.' Nat grunted, falling backwards onto her full sized bed. Soon enough, She had fallen asleep listening to a Alex G album.

Knock Knock Knock!! A sharp, rapid knocking emerged from the other side of Natalie's door. "H-Huh?!.." She jolted up quickly from her bed, eyes still blurry and stuck close. There were another five or so knocks on her door before she could get up and answer it. "Yeahh..?" Nat hung her head low, wiping a bit of drool from the corner of her lips. "Hey, Your Scatorccio right? I'm Van, Van Plamer." Nat looked up at the slightly taller girl, a bit puzzled.

"Uh- ...You are Natalie, Right?" Van asked again. "O-Oh! Yeah I am, shit sorry, blanked out for a second." Nat stuttered a bit. "It's all cool, Headmaster instructed me to give ya a tour of the place, Sooo.. That's what i'm here to do. Oh, plus i'm your roommate." "Yeah, I know. Headmaster told me all the stuff."

Soon enough Van had Nat dragged all around the school, she was introduced to a few of Van's friends. Like Taissa Turner, who is most definitely Van's girlfriend, And this other girl, Her name was Shauna. She seemed like the shy, sweet hearted type. Oh, and the last one, Lottie Matthews. God damn, that girl towered over everyone, and Nat never got to find out what type of crazy monster she was. Van, She's a werewolf, same as Taissa. And Shauna was a Bobcat, a variant of the multiple wild cats in this school. But, what in the world was Lottie?

"Hey, so, class starts tomorrow at 7:30, And since your not a vampire, you should try to head to bed around 10." Van sat down next to Nat at the dining room table, handing her a spoon for her mac n cheese. "Jesus christ Van, are you my mom or something?" Natalie joked, taking a bite of her food. "Oh, fuck off!" Van snickered. "So, What's your first class tomorrow anyways?" She continued. "It's biology." Natalie answered, mouth full of mac n cheese. "Oh cool, Shauna has that class. Same with this other girl i'm friends with, Laura Lee." Van muttered. "What is she?" Natalie asked. "She's a Siren. Ya know, The scary mermaids?" "Yeah, I know."

Van and Nat had finished their meals and said there good nights. 'Shit, I shoulda asked what the hell Lottie is. She could be a dragon, or some sorta cat variant, she can't be an Arachnohuman, she doesn't look like one? well.. I guess neither do dragons.'  Natalie rambled in her mind until she fell asleep, morning would soon be at her doorstep.

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