Sleepy head

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Natalie was finally in her last period for the day. It was a magic class, but she knew a good handful of people there. She shared the class with Van, Tai, and Lottie. Misty and Jackie were also in this class, but Nat hadn't talked to them yet, so she didn't consider them apart of that small handful.

"Heyy Tai, Lot!" Van came rolling into class in a good mood, she gave Lottie and Tai high fives like she was a sport coach after a good practice day. "Oh, no way! Hey Nat!" Van had spotted Natalie, tucked away in the back of the class. "Hey, Van." She replied once Van had gotten a bit closer to her. "You meet Misty and Jackie yet?" Natalie shook her head no. "Over there," Van pointed, "They curly headed blonde, and the not curly headed blonde." "Oh, cool, I guess." "But, be careful with Jackie, she's a big ol' spooky dragon." Van exaggerated, making dramatic hand waves.

This class was basically all about teamwork. 'Work together so you can do this, work together so you can learn that!' It all made Nat wanna barf. She hated working in teams, despite having to do it earlier with Shauna and Laura lee. Natalie was much more of a solo act, especially when it came to her magic.

"I want everyone to find a partner to continue this lesson with, this is possibly dangerous magic, so no one is able to fly this solo!" The teacher preached as she whacked her table with a long stick. 'Oh great. that's just what I wanted.' Nat could feel herself frown a bit, glancing around the classroom anxiously.

Natalie eventually resorted to slamming her head on her desk, still somewhat discreetly, and trying to sleep. "Wow, you give up quickly, huh Scatorccio?" Nat felt a hand on her back. "Mmmhg." Natalie replied, her words muffled by her arms. "Oh, c'mon. Stop being such a damn baby." The hand had grabbed Nat's and lifted her head up. "Hmm?" Natalie cooed, sounding tired. "Lot?" Her head tilted. "Hi there, sleepy head." Lottie retorted.

Lottie had Nat pulled into a partnership, and, I mean, who else was Nat gonna work with? "Ok, so, basically, I think all you gotta do is say the spell, but it'll only really work if your speaking your truth." Lottie instructed, resting her head in her own palms. "How come your a vampire in a magic class?" Natalie asked, completely ignoring what Lot had told her. "Oh, i'm not actually. I just made the teacher believe that I belong here, so I could skip." Lottie smiled, as if she felt super accomplished or something. "Uh, wait your skip-" Lottie had cut nat off, "Now do the damn spell! you're a witch, right?" "Uh, right.. I'll do that." Natalie began to speak latin, and making hand signals, and it had worked, just enough anyways. She got an eraser disappearing and reappearing from one side of the room to the other.

"Good job, sleepy head." Lottie said sluggishly, giggling a bit. "You can stop calling me that. I'm not even tired, and I never fell asleep." Nat sighed, a little embarrassed. Nat had only really known Lottie for a day now, but she knew that she seemed like a trouble maker. Along with that, she was a flirty, teasing, really hot fucking vampire. 'Goddamnit Lottie.. I hope I look normal right now, not all red or something, but my cheeks feel hot? God I hope it's not visible-" "You're all red, Scatorccio." Lottie had a half smirk on her face, she was even interrupting Nat's thoughts. "Huh? Oh, uh... It's probably nothing." Natalie had replied quickly, covering her face with her hands.

The day was over. Finally. Natalie was walking with Van back to there dorm room. "Hey, Nat, you got a thing for Lot?" Van questioned, while trying to catch a Snorlax on Pokémon Go. "Huh? No dude, she's way to.. uh.. Lottie for me, I guess." Nat was telling the truth, well, she thinks she was. She was unsure about how she felt about Lottie, but, she knew that she didn't like that she was feeling something even a little above positive at all. 'Psh. Nat totally has something for Lot, and I mean, I guess I can't blame her, she's a flirty, annoyingly teasing, really pretty vampire.' Van thought to herself, shrugging.

The girls had made it back to their dorm, Both rushing into their rooms to take their shoes off and change into something more 'anyone could totally pass out in these' clothes.

Bzz. Nat got a text. 'Hey, do you want me to order pizza for the two of us tonight?" It was van. 'Yeah, i'm down.' Nat typed, replying to the redhead.

Knock Knock. Van had opened the door to the outside hallway. "Hey guys!" She greeted three people who stood outside. "Hey! Can we come in?" "Yeah, pizza should be here soon, and Nat is in her room doing.. uh, not sure actually, but i'm sure she'll be out here soon." Van gestured for everyone to come inside. Natalie, on the other hand, was napping.

About 2 hours had passed, and Natalie was still a no show to the small little pizza party. "Jeez, Is she dead?" One of the guests asked. "Uh, I hope not..?" Van answered, a heavy and confused tone in her voice. "I'll go see what she's doing, Gimme like five minutes." "Alright, have at it lottie."

Natalie was oblivious to the group of friends in her shared living room currently. She was also oblivious to the knocking on her door. Creakk.

Lottie was now in her room, chuckling to herself. 'Sleepy heads asleep, who woulda thought.' Lottie had inched closer to the edge of Nat's bed, eventually taking a seat by her legs. "Natalie." Lottie had whispered, sounding motherly. Of course, a sweet sounding motherly tone wasn't enough to make Nat wake up, so Lottie had to shake her a bit. "Natalie, Van ordered pizza, and Shana and Jackie are here with us."

It took another 10 or so minutes to wake Natalie up. "Hmm..?" That was the first indication that Lottie got that Nat wasn't dead. "Natalie?" Lottie had repeated for the hundredth time. "Lottie..?" Nat sounding groggy, rubbing her eyes. "Oh, finally, you're up." Lottie smiled, brushing hair out of Nat's face. "Wha- what are you doing here..?" Natalie pushed herself up a bit. "I told you, Van ordered pizza and invited me, Jackie, and Shauna." "O-oh. That makes sense." Nat said, finally being able to rub her eyes clear. "C'mon sleepy head, almost all the pizzas gone." Lottie pulled natalie up and hauled her out into the kitchen, where everyone else was waiting.

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