Jackie's Party

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It was Monday again, and no one like's Monday's.

Knock Knock. "Scattorcio! Wake up dammit!" Van was pounding on Natalie's door. "I'm gonna break this door down if you make the both of us late!" "Uhg.. fuck okay.." Nat yelled back, practically falling out of her bed.

Natalie was now walking down the halls with Shauna to their bio class. Shauna was talking about her grandma's cat who just gave birth to 8 kittens, and how she got to take a little tabby one home. Natalie was listening, but was also thinking about the situation from Saturday. 'Did Lottie mean that.. when she said "aww, I was just about to kiss you" or was she just being.. Lottie?'

"Nat? are you okay?" Shauna hummed. "Uh.. yeah i'm good, just thinking about some guy who hit on me at the grocery store the other day." "Someone hit on you?" Nat sighed, "Yeah, he was a shithead. But, Lottie was there to get rid of him." Both Shauna and Nat went mute for a second. "Got rid of him? Like, did she suck all the blood out of him or something?" Shauna pondered, sounding worried. "Oh, no no no, don't worry, she just told him to back off.. and stuff." Natalie waved her hands around, trying to reassure the shorter girl. "Oh, that's good." Shauna smiled.

Natalie's first class went by quick and easy, especially with Shauna and Laura Lee to keep her company. Yet, she was dreading her second class, that class was shared with Lottie Matthews. Nat still couldn't get Lottie out of her mind.

Nat had her head face buried in her selves, practically awaiting her doom.

"Natalieee!" Lottie had showed up behind nat, wrapping her arms around the tiny blonde. "Ah, shit!" Nat shivered, spooked. "Oh, hey Lottie.." Natalie sighed. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump." Lottie giggled, her arms still holding Nat in place. 'She's holding me... why? Lottie feels soft though. Goddamnit Nat, stop. Don't catch feels for someone who is flirty with everyone for fun.'

"What're you thinking about?" Lottie hummed, still cradling Nat from the back of her chair. "Oh, um.. magic?" Nat hid her face, trying to hide her obvious blush. "Hm, sure, whatever you say, Natty." Lottie paused, before gasping. "Oh! Jackie is hosting a party at her parents this Friday, you should go!" The fanged girl smiled. "Is Van going?" "Mhm, but, I think she's tagging along with Taissa. Although, you're welcome to ride with me." "Ok, great. Thanks Lot."

Friday, at 9:00 pm. Nat was in the passenger seat of Lottie's car. They were on their way to Jackie's party.

"So.. what's a party like with a shit tona monsters? Like what if Jackie loses her cool and goes all angry dragon on us?" Nat questioned. "Pfft, nah, don't worry, Jackie has hosted a shit ton of parties, everything will be fine." Lottie assured Nat. "Okayyy, well what about everyone else? besides like.. witches n shit." Lottie giggled at Natalie's question. "Dude, c'mon! it's a decent question for someone who's never been to a damn party full of goddamn werewolves and shit!" Natalie waved her arms, staring at the red light in front of the two girls. "Calm down Natty, jeez, it's not like i'm gonna suck you dry or some shit." Lottie poked fun at Natalie. Nat stayed silent, rolling her eyes.

The two made it too the party, Lottie just about dragging Nat into the large home. Lottie was automatically greeted by different people, Nat however, stayed purposely hidden in Lot's shadow. Lottie dragged Natalie around until they found a decent spot to sit down at.

Nat stared around at the crowded rooms. She saw Shauna and Jackie spilling their drinks while having a laugh attack, she saw Van and Tai sneak a kiss in between drinks, Misty even showed up with her best friend Kristen. Natalie didn't mind just observing, but, she knew that would be impossible with Lottie being by her side. Yet, Nat liked it when Lottie was near her. The scent of bloody lilac, her soft touch, her teasing. She made Nat feel nice, but she also made her feel safe, and all flustered. Every time Lottie gets close to her, she try's to keep her cool so she doesn't have a nervous break down. Of course, Lottie knows that. Lottie finds it adorable.

"Hey, Natty, why you so quiet?" Lottie purred, brushing her hand on Natalie's. "Uh, nuthin.. just saw some wizard guy throw this other kid into Jackie's vase." Natalie stared ahead, dumbfounded. "Yeah, that's bound to happen." Lottie leered, in a solemn way. "Here, grab your drink." "Uh, okay?" Lot tugged Nat towards the back door, and out onto the porch. "We can chill out here for a sec, just until Jackie can get things under control." Lottie sighed, leaning herself back and forth. Everything was quiet and peaceful for a good 10 minutes.

"Lottie, what does blood taste like?" Nat pondered. "Woah, freaky question coming from a witch, you gonna make a potion or sum?" Lottie giggled. "Ha, nah. Just curious I guess." Natalie looked back at Lottie. "Hm, well it's different for everyone, sometimes it's sweet, and sometimes it's bland, ya know?" Nat took a second to think before she spoke, "What does a witches blood taste like..?" Natalie spoke quietly, almost as if she were shy.

Lottie was basically rolling on Jackie's porch now, laughing in a drunken haze. "Wh- Why would I know?" She managed to mutter in between coughing fits and trying to breathe. "Uh- Because..?" Natalie responded hesitantly.

Lottie was back to normal now, she propped herself back up and held her chest so she would calm down. "God, pfft, sorry about that Nat." "N-no, it's alright." Lottie glanced over to where Natalie was sitting. The two were barely a shoulder width apart. "Well, if i'm being honest, i've never had witch blood." Lottie stated, as her gaze was darting from Nat's eyes to her lips and neck. "Oh, that's lame." Nat scoffed sarcastically. " Well, I mean if you want we can find out right now." Lottie smirked, if she weren't a vampire, she'd probably be satin's daughter.

Natalie felt her face heat up like an active volcano, she wanted to cover it, but she couldn't move her arms. "Uh..." was all that Nat was able to say. Lottie, on the other hand, was scooting closer to Natalie. "A vampire bite doesn't hurt that much, Natty. I mean, it's really only a tiny sting." Lot had now pushed Natalie back farther on the porch, The tall brunette holding herself over the shorter girl.

Before Lottie could do anything more daring, Natalie grabbed her face and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss, soothing. Lottie's lips were soft, loving.

Nat let go with wide eyes, she was shocked at what she had just done. "Shit Lottie, Sorry.. I-I didn't mean to really, it's just.." Natalie began to ramble, trying to find her words. Lottie sat there, just smiling and listening. "Natalie." Lottie cooed, putting her hand on Nat's cheek. "You're a really good kisser." Lottie exhaled in a soft laugh. "Wah.. Huh?" Natalie sat there, expressionless. "You heard me, Scattorcio." Lottie went in for the second kiss, pushing Nat onto her back.

The two were now back sitting up, facing the stars in the sky. "So... you have a thing for me?" Nat muttered, looking towards Lottie. "Well, do you?" Lottie replied in a soft, groggy tone. "Uh, I think so. I really do Lottie." Natalie hung her head low, staring down. "Well, I think I do to." Lot reached over to put her hand on Natalie's back. "Don't worry, i'm not gonna eat you alive just yet, but don't except me to wait that long." Lottie smirked. "Oh shut up." Nat whispered, her face hidden in the palms of her hands, covering her flushed red face.

Lottie and Nat walked back into the party after about 30 minutes. Everything was a bit more dimmed down now, some guests had left, some had passed out. The two girls had went to go sit on the couch, but soon enough we're apart of the group that passed out. Natalie was laying on top of Lot, her head resting on Lottie's chest, while Lottie's gentle, loving arms were wrapped around Nat, keeping the two close together.

Everyone fears FangsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora