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It has been years since Hawkmoth was defeated by Ladybug, The butterfly miraculous has yet to be found and the heroes do their daily duties helping the people of Paris, until one day, one by one the heroes vanished. It started with Rena Rouge who returned her Miraculous to the guardian to start a family. Carapace soon after, the same reasons applied to most of the other holders. However, Ladybug still needed her team to find the lost miraculous, so she went to Chat Noir, and asked for his advice,

"M'lady, you know it has been years since the last Akuma, and i have been thinking about handing in my Miraculous as well, that way I can propose to my girlfriend safely... I would like you to be at our wedding, after I tell her all about this."

Ladybug sighs, "I'd have to go in civilian form... how about the night after you propose we reveal our identities, that way we can finally rest the miraculous. After all I do want to start a family some day, maybe it is just time to retire."

The two sit in silence for a while.

"Thanks Kitty, for always being there for me and knowing just what to say when I'm down and feeling lost. Since we are free for a bit maybe we should get to know each other more, just enough to know that we can guess at each others identities, make it a game."

"M'lady, that's a great idea! that way we can be sure we are ready to share!" he chuckles, "What are the game rules, Bugaboo."

"Rule 1. No direct names or places you will constantly be at. Makes it too easy if we have those.

Rule 2. if one of us figures out the other person before the set date; we reveal.

Rule 3. No asking people that know our identities. So we can NOT speak to either Alix or Luka about superhero identities."

"WHEN DID LUKA FIND OUT??" Chat looks shocked and hurt over at Ladybug who is sitting calmly with her legs over the Eiffel Tower's ledge.

"I'm not exactly sure when he did, I just know that he had to leave Paris because of it, but now he is a guardian so we did him a favor."

"Rule 4. if a villain shows, we immediately stop the game. " He says, looking over the city as the sun sets behind them, "We don't need another anti-cat nightmare."

"Or Chat Blanc."

------------Time Skip : One Month------------

"Chat, all of these personal questions are leading us nowhere, all it did was make you more mysterious to me!!" Ladybug ranted on the roof of her old high-school, surveying the area for the lost miraculous.

"Well, M'lady, I was all over Paris years ago for literally anything I did! It's hard to give you hints!"

"So you are saying a few years ago you were famous in and out of the suit???"

"Yeah, and my  girlfriend was in love with me the whole time i was in love with you... besides the time she fell in love with Chat..."

"Oh, so you must be deeply in love with her." Ladybug giggles, "Well, my boyfriend has pretty much only ever wanted to be cared for, It's such a shame that I only ever told him the wrong thing. I mean i feel bad for lying to him about it but... it was his fathers dying wish for him to only be remembered in a way that made Adr- My boyfriend happy."

Chat laughs at her passion, "Well I think I'm going to propose to her tonight, after all it is date night. Since she has been working so hard on her most recent male fashion line I figured we would take a break, also how about whoever figures out the other's Identity first gets to plan the other's 21st birthday!"

Ladybug looks at the time on her yo-yo. "Sorry Kitty, I'm going to be late for something important! and sure, as long as we get to go back to America for it! Bug out!"

-----Time Skip : one hour-----

Marinette stood in front of her mirror looking over her outfit, fixing little pins and accessories.

"Marinette! you look beautiful!" Alya said, a hand over her belly, "Adrien will love it, he loves you girl, I bet he's going to propose tonight!!"

"Alya you can't be that serious, even though we have been together for five years I don't think he would propose this early? wouldn't he wait until we're in our twenties?"

Alya facepalmed, "Girl. Adrein literally said, 'bring Alya for camera support.'"

Marinette awkwardly looked at her Kwami, which was resting on top of the mirror, "Well maybe tonight is the night..."

Nino bursts through the door, "Alya! i just figured out Chat Noir's identity!!" Marinette, from the shock of the door opening, stumbled backwards and tripped over some leftover tulle on the ground.

"What??" She asked still on the ground, unable to move.

"oh... shit... I didn't realize Mari was here."

Alya looked at her fiance, "This is her house... why wouldn't she be here...?"

Nino ignored the question and began telling Alya everything he witnessed for the past hour, Marinette highly concerned quickly went back to admiring herself in the mirror, 

"And that's when he landed in front of me and detransformed!!!" Nino said taking a deep breath, "when I said I was surprised, I mean it!!"

"Nino! Ladybug and Chat Noir are playing a game to see who can figure out who's identity first. Don't ruin it for them."

"But M-"

"No. Buts. We both know Marinette would let their identities slip on accident so it's best if she doesn't know."

"Alya!! We know him out of costume!!"

Marinette panicked, "what?! We know him?? You mean we have known him for a long time?? HES OUR FRIEND??" Marinette's thoughts are running wild, who could it be, anyone from school? She thought about it, every single moment.

"Marinette..?" Nino asked looking over her, Alya stunned.

"Nino... tell me... Is it Adrien?" She whispered underneath her breath. The excuses suddenly make so much sense, everything he's done to protect me. 

"Mari..." Alya said slowly, reaching out her arm.

"Yes..." Nino mumbles, giving a sympathetic look.

Adrien stepped into the room, "Ni-"

He stopped and surveyed the moment. "Mari.. i can explain.. i didn't tell you because i was-"

"Adrien... it's okay.. let's just.. go" She whispered, grabbing her bag, Tikki flying into it. 

Marinette walked out of the room and down the steps to her parent's bakery, grabbing a macaron before heading out the door, Adrien following close behind trying to get her attention.

"Mari.... Mari? MARINETTE, stop please, let me explain."

"What is there to explain, Chaton?"

"Well I couldn't give up my miraculous like I wanted to, it put all of Paris in danger and I... what?"

"I figured it out, Kitty."

"...Ladybug?" His voice stuttered as tears slipped down his face, he smiled, Picked Marinette up and spun her around.

"I love you so much, Buginette."

Marinette laughed, "Alright Kitty, Let's finish our date." She smiled softly and held his hand as they walked through the streets, finally free of the secrets that have befallen them for years. They now speak freely and understand one another.

"They were always made for one another."

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