~THREE: Suspicions~

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A/N : This takes place a few hours after they explore the basement


Emma P.O.V.

I hold the pen in my mouth as I look over the notes I wrote after exploring the mansion, right now I'm hiding in the back of the school library where the most dusty and unused books sat, the small table covered in school worksheets and books, clearly forgotten from the last people to use this table, though the yellowing is a concern.

I grabbed the yellowest paper and looked at the name at the top, 'Marinette' was written in a neat loopy cursive, and 'Alya' was written next to it, though this page was odd, it had a list of ingredients and a riddle. Must have been an English assignment. I giggled at Mama's and Auntie Alya's antics and thought about how long they must have poured their heart into this page. 

"Will Emma Dupain-Cheng come to the office, again, Emma Dupain-Cheng." Announced over the intercom, I grab my bag and my notes, quickly shuffling out of the library to head to the office, which clearly was the only place in the school with less noise than the library. 

I open the door to be greeted kindly by the principal, A couple stood to the side as their daughter was seated in the seat in front of them, I sat next to her and smiled kindly, "Hello, my name is Emma, can I ask why I was called in here?"

"Emma, this is Charlotte, our new transfer student, as you are the class rep for the 8th grade this year it is your duty to welcome our new students." Charlotte was beautiful, beyond compare, her hair was a deep blonde and dripped down to her knees, pulled neatly into a ponytail. Her eyes were shut completely, relaxed. She wore a simple pair of black shorts and a red tank top.

I nod and smile softly, fidgeting with the bracelet I picked up earlier. "Hello Charlotte! I will be showing you around the school as well as explaining the curriculum standard as it has changed rapidly the past ten years."

Charlotte nodded and grabbed the white stick sitting beside her. I stood and let her hold my arm to guide her towards the door.

"Now I assure you, Lila, no one like Chloe or Marinette goes here now, though their kids still go here, Your daughter is completely safe and we will try our best to accommodate her needs."

"You better, for if my name isn't Lila Rossi, I will burn this place to the ground if my daughter is not taken care of." I close the door behind us and guide Charlotte around, explaining the history and places around the school, as well as where the classes and activities are usually held. 

"Have there been Super villain attacks here? in the past?" She asks, I'm glad I finally got her talking, she is very expressive, but her stoic nature is unhelpful if she is looking for certain things.

"15/16 ish years ago was the last one for a long time, but some superheroes resurfaced recently so I doubt it will last." I tell her comfortably, leading her down some steps.

"Cool! Both of my mothers spent all of their middle and high-school years here in Paris, They both said that they met a lot of superheroes as teenagers, I was wondering if I could meet one someday!" She jumped excitedly, clearly more interested in the conversation, I check my phone to see the time.

"School ends in about an hour, how about we exchange information and I'll see if i can get a superhero for you to meet, that way you can ask them some questions!" I smile watching her do a little dance, her eyes never opening once.

"You would do that... for me..?" She suddenly asks, stopping and facing the entrance to the art room. 

"Yeah! You're like the coolest person I've ever met, so getting to know you better would be fun!" I say excitedly as she pulls out a very old version of the alliance rings. 

"Alliance, please add Emma Dupain-Cheng's contact." The ring does as she says without confirmation or the old model faces. 

Her mothers step out of the office and takes her arms, "Alright Charlotte, you are signed up for next semester." The three leave the school, talking and wondering about certain things, I smile and feel my face heat as the sun shines brightly overhead.

My heart feels full and comforted, warm and fluffy... fuck... am I gay? That's besides the point! I will think about this later, right now I don't have the time! I take out my phone and quickly text Mama that school is almost over and that I will be waiting out front with the art class drawing in chalk on the sidewalk. 

I take out my notes and re-examine them, along with the bracelet, I just met Lila... sorta. I wonder how M'lady is doing with decoding the tablet. I hope better than me and all the revelations I made today.

Grandfather was working directly with Hawkmoth, I just don't know how or when it started, but it is clear in the designs we looked at through this design book that he knew of some heavy design choices that only Hawkmoth would know about some of these 'villain' designs. I shuffle the book through my hands.

Time moves so slowly when you're a lonely kitten, huh? I look at my backpack and the green eyes that peer through the open zipper, begging for Camembert. I sigh and offer a piece of the croissant from this morning, he accepts it, giving a slight glare in response.

I giggle a bit and continue looking over the streets when a notification lights up my phone, 'NEW HEROES??' from the Ladyblog.

I immediately opened the video and put in my headphones. 

"Hello faithful followers of the Ladyblog! I was on the street walking today and caught a surprisingly new video!" Aunt Alya says as a new clip replaces her face on the screen, of the new heroes... M'lady and I landing and tangled in her yo-yo. The only part of the audio you could catch was about the butterfly miraculous. As we jump away Alya ends the clip and begins her assesment.

"These heroes are young, fresh, and new! Meaning a new dawn is upon Paris,  a new villain perhaps? A new task? or the alternative theory I am now DEEPLY afraid of mentioning... The death of Paris' Heroes." Her voice cracks a little as she says this, moving onto the costumes and our reactions to each other. 

"Ladybug and Chat Noir chose their names, but these two were directly thinking over theirs, why not give them a hand! I've been calling the black cat, Kitty Noire and LB as Little Bug. Though maybe their names should be picked for them."

"Whatever our new heroes are here for, I wish them the best of luck, as well as ask for a private interview!" She laughs doing her usual sign off and ending the video, adding to theories in the comments or little debates over the older LB and CN.

After all, The last video she posted was of a pregnancy announcement, so the world has theories and warnings. I look around before seeing my dad wave me over, I smile and bounce over quickly.

"Hi dad!" I say getting into the car, " Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Kiddo?"

"How do you flirt with a girl?"

The look on his face was of pure joy and excitement, "Oh Kid, I will teach you my ways! Bugaboo was my first girlfriend as well, so whatever I did worked!"

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