~FOUR: Information~

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Emma P.O.V

I held the a large pile of manga from Dad's old room, he held a huge stack of them following  me to my room, My room is the renovated attic since Mama said i needed more space 'as a woman' or something like that, though I'm thankful I've never had to share with Louis or Hugo.

"Alright, Emma, sit and listen up!" He said setting down the books on top of the desk, "These were my notes, my textbooks, my guides, as well as anime and the fact I had a lot of free time. I give you my wisdom as to how I met your mother, but it may be easier to say that she fell for me first." He laughed, I have always loved his laugh, because every time he lights up the entire room. I laugh along with him

"The first time I realized I was falling in love with your mother was our trip to New York in High School. Then again when I met her uncle in Shanghai." he gave a sigh pulling up old photographs of their high school years.

The first was from New York of them dancing in front of the moon, clearly taken by Uncle Nino as it didn't have Auntie's grace with the camera. The next few photos are still of them dancing in different places, in the rain, at a party, in the middle of Paris wearing Ladybug and Chat Noir themed costumes, Mama was only dressed like Ladybug once though, she said she resented her a bit for a mistake that was made. She would never say anything else about it, I wonder why she keeps to herself so much, though she loves us, she definitely has secrets... Maybe I'm just not quite old enough to hear them though.

Mama stepped into the room, "Sweetheart, the party is starting soon, Adrien, you said you wanted to talk?" 

I cut her off quickly, "Do we have Camembert? I've been really craving it lately.." Plagg better cover me for this one, I can't explain a cheese fascination.

Dad nodded his head in my general direction, giving a silent conversation to Mama, I step away and head downstairs, carrying plagg in the pockets of my dress, heading outside to see Juliette and Charlotte.

"Hey!" I greet them and escort them to the snack table, not bothering to listen to anyone, my party, my rules!

------ Time Skip: Several Hours later ------

Charlotte laughed at the cookie pun I made over the chocolate chips, " You're so funny Em! how do you not have many friends?" She asks leaning over her stick.

"Oh, well in the second grade Noel, my best friend back then, was brainwashed by his mother to hate me since my parents destroyed her reputation over her bad behavior in their school-years."

"Is Noel in a different class than us? I didn't hear his name on the student list for next year..." She asks curiously, somehow balancing herself on her stick to eat a mini sandwich.

"He's one of the trans students, you probably heard his dead-name on the roll, he's getting it changed this year."

I smile at her as she uses one hand to see my face, "Please don't mind this, it helps me get to know you, with being blind I find it difficult to understand how certain people react to questions, feeling your features is how I see you."

I giggle, "Please, I love learning about how you see the world, it's so different from my own that I may actually learn something new and freeing." 

Juliette waved goodbye as Uncle Luka came to pick her up. I feel bad that i didn't invite Auntie Alya's family, but her kids are closer to the twin's age so it feels weird to invite them to a party like this. Charlotte's mom, Zoe, is having a meeting with my mother for work to help support her since Mama pays her models well, even letting them keep the outfits they model.

"You're frowning, what are you thinking about?" Charlotte asks gently running her finger over the bottom of my jaw.

"Just some... secret missions. I may have gotten you the ability to meet the new Kitty Noire, I'm just waiting for her response, and my parents have been acting awfully odd lately i'm just wondering what's on their mind."

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