~TWO : M'lady~

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"Plagg, Claws out!" I gently muter under my breath and feel the glowy haze of green light slowly change my dress into a leather suit. 

I looked in the bathroom mirror, The leather was deep black and heavily accented with bright green, The tail is green on one side and black on the other, the costume had a zipper, green down the back with a holster for the baton. My short blonde hair absolutely finished the look as it is much more wild and spiky.

"It looks like something Mama would have made! I love it, I look good... If dad saw me like this he would have had me voice act for the new rendition of the anime." I smiled, gave myself a wink in the mirror and bounced off on the baton, feeling the rush, the adrenaline, the lightness, the freedom.

I missed a step and fell completely forward, a yo-yo wrapped around my waist and something... someone... collided into my back accidentally tying us together. "Why hello, Kitty Cat."

"Hello, Lady Luck, Where's the akuma? A new holder for a new villain after all." I offer as she unties us, we are standing in the middle of the street, confused onlookers wondering if we are cosplaying the older generation.

"Actually my Kwami said that the old Ladybug and Chat Noir actually gave up their miraculouses in order to raise a family, we are supposed to be looking for Nooroo." The spotted hero said, her costume was very similar to the old generation, though she has wings and long blonde hair, almost down to her knees.

"You're so pretty..." I mutter under my breath, noticing her turn to cover her eyes from the sun and search the area.

"We should start at the Agreste Mansion, you know, where the final battle took place." and just like that my hopes of ever wooing this girl are crushed, she is so much like Ladybug it is unreal.

"Yeah... sure... but we need to come up with Hero names, it doesn't feel right taking up their old names." I say, pulling up the directions to the mansion, completely ditching the idea of school. I have straight A's so it doesn't matter anyway.

I grab her waist and propel us through the air, following the GPS and waving to citizens who are recording, obviously concerned about the newbies. She glared at my initiative and was clearly upset, i held onto her tighter for fear she may start chastising my behavior. 

We head straight, landing on a rooftop just across from home, the place Dad grew up, though it is an odd place, how did the battle even begin in the Mansion. Outside in the courtyard Dad was hanging streamers and lanterns, Mama was managing the fashion models for her job, probably needing dad to help with measurements.

"Kitty? You ready to investigate?" The spotted hero asked clearly concerned over my sudden zoning out. 

"Wait, can we sneak in, it looks like they are really busy, and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng is a very powerful woman, I wouldn't want to interrupt them-"

"You dumb cat, finding this miraculous and returning it to the guardian is our main focus, do not get caught up in mortal problems when we have superhuman ones." She stated, jumping down and walking through the open gate.

I stood there stunned watching her actions as my parents stared at her with a shocked face, glancing to each other in silent communication. I used to hate it when they did that, but now I see that its a showing of how deep they truly understand one another, their actions are comforted. Before i knew it i let my body follow M'lady through the gates, the shock still hovering over the two.

"Excuse us, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, We were wondering if we could inspect the mansion, we are continuing the investigation from Ladybug and Chat Noir, we want to go over some places from the notes that were given to me." The couple once again looked at each other.

"Sure... this way..." Dad leads with a hint of betrayal in his voice. I wonder why, i'll be sure to ask about it later.

He leads us to the office on the left side, it has clearly been untouched by human hands for years. Opening the door creates a major dust fall, Lady Luck sneezed.

"This used to be my Fathers office before he passed defeating Hawkmoth. Take a look around, but if you find any of his designs can you bring them to Buginette? It is getting close to the 20-year-anniversary of his passing and she wants to bring some of his unfinished designs to life." He said leaving the room, tears in his voice as he headed back towards Mama. I'm glad I didn't have to speak, following M'lady's lead into the room I began looking for anything relating to the miraculous or the battle, though the room was spotless and indescribably blank, lonely.

Every step I took felt fragile and uncomfortable, even though I've lived here pretty much my whole life I have never once asked about this room, Mama leaves a shrine in front of the door a few times a year, in order to keep his memory alive, but she seems so... off on those days, like she has something to hide.

I looked on the conversation pit to see a leather bracelet on top of a red tablet. I picked up the bracelet, 'Lila Rossi' was engraved on the inside, next to a date. I pocket the bracelet and pick up the tablet, it was completely unlocked and free of passwords, inside were millions of files. I clicked on one titled 'For Adrien'. Inside  were videos of a blonde woman, she looks a lot like Dad and I.

I scrolled through empty file after empty file, inside I found nothing but random old pictures and videos of a young couple plus someone who looks like an explorer. The end of the file had a hidden briefcase file, inside there were stories clearly about the miraculous marked and edited. Layers and layers of information regarding the black cat and the ladybug, Gimmi, the Kwami of reality. Stories about the ultimate power, god forms, little notes made to... Gabriel Agreste...

What the hell. What the absolute hell, how did the previous Ladybug miss this? Is this real, was he working with Hawkmoth or is this just some random work, he was autistic after all, Mama said his hyperfixation was his superhero line. It could have gone deeper than that. I wonder if he indirectly helped Hawkmoth with these translations. That could explain his sudden death by helping to defeat him, that slight guilt.

A sharp shriek from LB's side of the room caught my attention. I turned to see she was holding onto the painting of the blonde in the tablet, It must be Grandmother. She pushed in a button hidden inside the painting, red lasers dashed across the room. I slid the tablet over to her and she puts it in her yo-yo for future reference as i bounce over to her, I quickly find the other buttons on the painting and push them, leading us to an underground lair, a hidden elevator going down, Instinctively I held onto M'lady, keeping my arms around her waist, SHES SO TINY. I am about one foot taller than her, she has a semi-permanent blush on her face now that she realizes how small the elevator actually is.

I held onto her tightly, I didn't even realize she turned to hide her face in my chest when the elevator stopped, my arm leaning on the glass chute holding onto her tightly. The shock of the moving elevator still on her face, "Bugaboo, it's alright, we stopped moving. I think we are in the basement, plus on the other side of me are three buttons meaning that there is an attic. We should focus on the task at hand."

She gave a slight nod as the doors opened to a bridge leading to an overgrown garden of sorts. The tree was large and the leaves were a bright green, the cherry blossoms lying on the ground around an odd rectangular object. It was clearly electronic, some of the cords and a few other high-tech things from the Tsurugi brand were laying broken and torn across the ground. I took her hand and guided her over the bridge to investigate.

"This is where the original battle took place, or the bulk of it. Where Bugnoire fought hawkmoth head-to head." She let go of me and wandered around, observing every inch of the place before settling on the broken technology. Her hands gently felt everything. She seems excited about something.

"What's on your mind, My Ladybug?" I ask her, kneeling next to the wreck of machinery.

"These were torn out recently... too recent for the battle or even Ladybug and Chat Noire" 

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