~SIX : Chrysalis~

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Emma P.O.V

I held onto Alya as we swung through Paris, I put her down near the bakery but just out of the way on a balcony, "Stay here. And I know this is going to sound really strange, but if we need help, go to the Agreste Manor, there may be something there... maybe." I say jumping off, she doesn't move from the bit of shock, beginning to record the fight.

I zoom over to see M'lady running circles around the villain, a white cat-like person chasing the poor thing. I stepped in front of the villain, spinning the baton in order to protect us both, "Awe, Little Kitten coming to save her lady, are you two in love after the first sight?"

I looked back at my partner with a confused look, "Are you in love with me already? "

She gave a slight giggle, "Sorry Kitten, I'm not interested right now." 

She called her lucky charm, a pair of expensive looking earrings. She closed her eyes as if thinking about something deeply, "What's the plan M'lady, I don't know how long I can keep this up." I continue to spin my baton before pouncing on the white cat.

"Haha, Little kitty all alone without her bug." he said holding his eyesight to mine. "Oh Little Kitten, I wonder why my bugaboo didn't trust me as much as yours does..." His blue eyes faltered as he looked towards LB. 

I felt my body flip as suddenly I'm underneath the cat, "Chat Blanc, reject it. Why are you attacking me, who are you truly angry at?" He thought for a moment, then smiled.

"My Ladybug."

He stood and bounced off towards... wherever he was going.

"Bug? What's going on?" I stepped closer and looked her over, her lucky charm held in her hands.

"Kitty... I think every time I use my lucky charm I return to being blind... we need to be able to watch and plan quicker so that way I can make it home without being hurt." 

"Okay, Well, what you summoned... Earrings Mrs. Dupain-Cheng designed, they were on her 5- year anniversary for her marriage as a gift for d- her husband." I choke out hoping she didn't catch my mistake, we can't share our identities, not after the reveal of our new enemy.

"She must be the key. Part of the bigger picture... 'my ladybug'... The man akumatized is Adrien Dupain-Cheng, take me to the mansion."

I put her on my back like a small child and used my staff to chase down the white cat. No one touches my mother. 

I follow every step like this was the only road in sight, I know this place, I used to walk this way home after school while Dad helped mom with her shows. One final launch from the staff and I landed us into the window to my room.

The door opened to reveal a clearly distressed Marinette carrying the twins, she set them down on my bed before running to give me a tight hug, I held onto her, she's shaking, unable to speak, she feels lost, not fully in the moment, running on fear and adrenaline. 

"Please... save him."

"We promise we will... When was the last time, He is fully aware of his abilities as well as Chat Blanc." LB asked slowly, using my tail-belt thing as a guide to seeing where we were, The twins cuddling with each other hiding under the covers.

"... We were 14, He figured out Ladybug's identity and lived out the timeline where he confessed to her... High on emotions and Hawkmoth found out, I couldn't catch all of it from Ladybug but... He destroyed the world."

Mom looked around the room, "Where's Emma? This is her room she should be here!" Her voice cracked at the sight of her sons cuddling under their sister's covers as if they lost her... Maybe i should tell her my identity...

"Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, She may have seen him leave through the window in her room as it looks directly towards where we found him, We were alerted by Alya, She may still be out looking for us." LB quickly covered as I guided her to sit on the bed so we could do our job.

Without another word, LB holding onto my tail, we left the room, using the moonlight shining into the mansion. Only to see the cat in the fetal position, fighting the new holder, mumbling words to himself.

"Here kitty, kitty." I called, taking the earrings from my partner and leaving her to find her way around, It may be a bad idea, but it's the only one I got.

That caught his attention as he bounced and circled me on all fours. "You have been Married to Your Lady for Fifteen years. You have seen the worst and best parts of her, you know her like you know the streets of Paris, You know her like you know your way around a bakery. You made a vow to love and grow together, are you really going to let something fixable break it?"

He stood up silently and looked up to where the family hid, "Communication is key, without it, trust is just a lock." he quoted from one of the poems I wrote when I was younger.

"That's right, now tell me, what's your new friend's name, because she isn't nice, much less a friend."


M'lady stood by my side, holding onto my tail for comfort. The white cat stood in front of M'lady, "Take care of your cat, she'll need you." He smiled softly and rejected the akuma, which fused with his wedding ring, M'lady quickly understood and opened her yo-yo. 

Inside was a gentle wisp of milkweed which attracted the butterfly and purified it at the touch. The sight was beautiful, with the power down of Dad and the purification of the butterfly held an untouched softness. 

Mama and the boys left my room and quickly came to hug him, Mama in severe distress, looking over Dad with concern, the two sleepy boys rubbing their tired eyes, confused with the nonsense. She looked around before watching M'lady fix the damage, bringing nothing but little things to fix .

"Kitty, LB, can you find our daughter, after you transform back." Mama said pointing to LB's earrings which were on the last dot. I Pulled M'lady off to a side closet and tied my belt-tail around my eyes.

"M'lady, I have my belt over my eyes, I didn't use my cataclysm yet so I wont detransform soon, please help yourself, okay?" I whisper pushing her hands up to where my belt laid to prove to her that I wouldn't lie. I have known her for less than a day and already trust her completely. I wonder if she feels the same.

"Spots off." She called, the light pink flash slipping under the slight vision i do have from looking towards my feet.

That light... It's too familiar to be mistaken... Mama was Ladybug. 

---- flashback: Agreste Mansion : June 5th, 2025 ----

I stood outside of Mama's room, I'm supposed to be in bed but I don't feel good, Mama has to take me to the doctors if I get worse, is what she said. I held my hand up to the door to knock when a muffled voice filtered through, A soft mumble that's been said before. A pink flash of light filtered under the door, I opened the door just a small crack to see Ladybug zoom out of the window.

--- Present Time ---

Words began to fail me, I stared into the belt ignoring M'lady and her kwami. If Mama is Ladybug, That means Dad is Chat... what if that means Hawkmoth was really... Alya must be Rena Rouge if they were 14 when they became heroes. Does Zumu know Mama was Ladybug? Does Nathalie know Dad was Chat? Is uncle Luka a hero? 

"Kitty? Let's go find Emma, Spots on!"

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