A Hero's Sacrifice, Memory #17

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Another purple portal appeared in front of the nine heroes, calling them to walk through the ominous purple portal.

"Where do you think we'll be next?" Wind asked staring at the portal

"I don't know, but anywhere but Hyrule's" Legend huffed, crossing his arms

"What do you mean by that?!" Hyrule yelled, only backing down when Time placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We won't know till we get there." Time stated.

Wild nodded and looked behind him to Twilight, they both grew closer, along with Time, they were closer than the other heroes. Time had his suspicions that Wild was a descendant of Twilight, they were just too similar.

"You two alright?" Time asked as the others started to walk through the portal, though they were hesitant.

Wild nodded, not many words come out of the young hero's mouth, only nods and simple looks of interest, disgust, and anger. Twilight was expressive as well, though he used more of his words than simple facial features.

"You good Cub?" Twi asked the blue-cladded hero, who simply shook his head yes.

The three followed the other six and walked through the portal. It took a minute for all of them to properly stable themselves from the sudden nausea. The first to recover was Wild, who knew where they were immediately. They were in his Hyrule. He knew where they were too, they landed just outside of Dueling Peaks Region one that many in the land dubbed Hylia.

Time blinked at the new surroundings, going around making sure everyone was okay. They all seemed disoriented, though that seemed to be normal whenever they traveled through those portals. Time then turned to Wild, who held a face of worry and anxiety.

"Hey, cub? You okay?" Time asked, walking over and catching the attention of the others.

"We're in my Hyrule." Was all Wild signed?

"Woah! You're Hyrule is massive!" Wind gushed.

Wild smiled and pulled out his slate, one that fascinated some and scared the living hell out of Legend. Wild's face didn't have any emotion in it, it scared Twilight and Time, who looked at each other in worry.
"If we head to Lanayru, we should be safe. Maybe even Kakariko." Wild signed and placed the slate back on his hip.

"Are you sure? Would we be safe there?" Sky asked

Wild nodded. "I'm sure. Just let me go change quickly. It would make it easier for me." he concluded and left to go behind a couple of thicker trees.

"Is he okay?" Wind asked "His face wasn't normal."

"I don't think any of us are normal. If he wants to talk he'll talk." Time smiled.

They continued a meaningless conversation, it was probably about different food and which was better. Time tuned them out a while ago. He kept looking back at the tree that Wild had disappeared behind. When he did a final time, Wild returned with a different set of armor, unlike the one he normally wears when in other worlds. Twilight followed the elder's gaze and landed on the younger one.

Wild donned his Stealth suit, one that he picked up at the beginning of his journey at Kakariko Village. It helped him hunt, fight, and move quicker, he always wore it whenever he could. He rushed to move to the front as he was tying his hair into the two sticks.

"What's with the get-up?" Four asked

"It's my stealth set. Helps me move quickly and silently." Wild explained, "Many different areas sell clothing with enhancements to their area. Well, the Zora's don't, but I'll have to ask Sidon about it." Wild signs then fixed the scarf of the set.

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