Mipha's Grace, Memory #10

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Time was the first one up, as per usual. He went about the normal-ish routine he had when he woke up. Though he deeply missed Malon and the ranch, he was happy to be here with other heroes.

They all ranged from abilities, for him, he was great at many different things having had multiple adventures and world-saving he has been through. Though he hated to think of Termina and how he basically started a whole timeline split.

Sky was trained as a knight, just like his father he once commented. He knew how to fly in the sky with the help of his loftwing, which seemed to remind Wild of the Rito of his world. He was the one who gifted them the sword that seals the darkness. He was the start of it all. No one blamed him though.

Twilight was someone who was a skilled ranch hand, but held the capabilities of a knight, often training with Rusl and the other townsfolk of his village. No one knew of Wolfie, except Wild and himself, Wild was a complete accident, and Time because of another accident that neither of them choose to speak about.

Warrior, a captain in an army, and the hero who also traveled time. Time was never going to mention him meeting his younger self. Those masks he used were locked in a box in the attic of the ranch back home. Though he does keep the fierce deity mask, just in case they are ever in a serious life or death situation, well, worse than what they have been through.

Wind was a breath of fresh air for Time. He was young but equally burdened with the Hero's Spirit. He goes in-depth about certain adventures, though he seems to steer clear of how he got the Phantom Sword. When they were in his world, it was nice to see the teen in his element on the open sea.

Legend was a tough one. Having gone through more adventures than the others, he was hardened at the heart. Though Time knows he has a soft spot for Hyrule and Ravio, someone who has somehow used Wind's mailman to write to the veteran. He is skilled in using his items as boosts and how to handle them. (Though he does wear one on his wrist that looks slightly older than the other items he owns)

Hyrule was a soft young man. He is skilled in his healing capabilities, saving the group of nine from countless fatal wounds. He was close with Wild and Legend, Wild knew of some healing spells that he said a friend had taught him a long time ago, and he was close with Legend because they do come from the same Hyrule, though one is more dangerous than the other.

Four was unique, from time to time you could see his eyes change from violet, blue, red, and his most common, green. Time speculated that it had something to do with the Four Sword that he currently wields. He has told stories of the Minish and how they are found and that they are responsible for hiding things all around Hyrule.

And lastly was Wild. He was of course a wild card. From what Time has gathered he has a serious case of amnesia, He once told him while still recovering from a horrible nightmare that he doesn't remember who he was before he woke up in the Shrine of Resurrection. The name of the said shrine was enough for Time's breathing to come to a stop. The words only meant that the young hero had died and had been forced to come back to life. Occasionally, during a battle, Wild will use some sort of magic, like when Hyrule was injured, he used some healing magic that he said someone had taught him long ago. He never really elaborated on that statement.

Time sighed and looked at the eight other heroes that were still passed out. Though he did see Hyrule stir slightly. He smiled and leaned his head against a tree that was near him. He glanced down and thumbed the ocarina on this waist, a pleasant reminder that he had people waiting for him at home.

Wild was the second to get up, still a little sore from walking yesterday, he still got up and attempted to fix his long hair, Sidon could bug him about it later, he wasn't going to cut it. He looked down from where his head was and noticed Twilight's pelt next to his head, he quickly placed it on top of the rancher without waking him up.

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