Resolve and Grief, Memory 3

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The group got up, as usual, Time waking up first, followed by Twilight and Wild, and then the others straggling in different orders each time. Wild looked down at his sheikah slate, going over the route they would have to take to get to Gerudo Town the quickest. He eventually decided to go through the Digdogg Suspension Bridge, leading into the Gerudo Canyon.

"Wild do you know where we're going from here?" Sky asked.

"It shouldn't be too long. The weather in Gerudo Desert seems to be on the cooler side today. I will have to give y'all some heat-resistance jewelry or gear." Wild commented.

"Can't we just use the potions from Death Mountain?" Four asked, walking up beside the hero.

"No, those are Fire-proof elixirs, those just prevent you from bursting into flames. The Heat-Resistant elixirs and gear will regulate your body temperature to move around in the desert. Same thing with Cold and Ligthening." Wild explained, clipping the slate back on his hip.

"It's a straight shot to the desert?" Legend asked the group started to walk to the bridge, "If it's not that far."

"The farthest you guys can go is Kara Kara Bazaar, it's a market area about 20 minutes outside Gerduo Town," Wild spoke up, taking the lead next to Twilight and Time.

"What do you mean you guys? Aren't you stuck there with us?" Warriors asked.

The question caused Wild to walk faster ahead of the group, and little fits of giggles erupted from some of the heroes. Jokes about the champion having connections to get in. Wild sighed and started passing around earrings, circlets, and bits of pieces from his Desert Voe Spaulder. The pieces were passed out as they breached the desert entrance.

Hryule and Legend got a circlet and earrings respectively, Time replaced part of his armor with a piece of shoulder armor from the set, and Warriors took the hip armor, contrasting against his silver armor, his scarf wrapping around his head. Twilight ended up using an elixir, several being passed to him just in case (each was at their max duration, Wild made sure), Wind took hold of the hoop earrings, using one of Wild's hair bands to tie some of his hair back. Sky took the bracers from the armor set, the gold contrasted the overall neutral color of his normal armor. Four took hold of the headband, handing Wild his hat giving firm instructions to not lose or ruin it, earning a laugh and smile from Wild.

Wild has the rest of the armor, the sleeve, and the weapon holders. He also used some of the other heat-resistant elixirs Twilight was also using. It felt odd to the champion to not have the full ensemble, but it was sort of entertaining to see each Link with scattered, disorganized, incomplete versions of his armor. His scarred arm felt the hot wind whipping throughout the canyon.

"Where did you even get this?" Legend asked, "What even is this?"

"It's called 'Desert Voe Spaulder.' I bought it from a secret trader from Gerudo Town. She also sold me some other armor, but I don't wear those nearly as much as I do this." Wild commented, looking up. "She's been a good friend since."

"But I thought the Gerudo didn't make anything like that," Hyrule asked.

"They don't. At least not anymore, she found it just past Aribiter ground in one of the Leviathan Skeletons here. She got long before I even woke up." Wild mentioned off-handedly.

The heroes were lulled into a quiet walk, with the occasional question about the flora and fauna of the desert. Wild loved to gush about the wildlife of his era since it seemed to be the biggest, there were various things to talk about. Each of the Links loved to talk about their eras, some more than others.

The path to the stable was longer than it needed to be, they stopped for lunch not long after they reached KouKot Plateau, Wild and Hyrule kept venturing to the sides so that Wild could show the others the rock layers, stating that the desert was likely to have been here longer than the other regions.

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