Revali's Flap, Memory #2

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Legend had to admit, Rito Village had a certain charm to it. Whether it be because the town was isolated in the snow and away from people besides their own, or the fact that there was a peaceful energy coming from the townsfolk.

There was the constant playing of an accordion, which was confirmed to be Kass after they found him near the entrance of a shrine resting near a dock. Wild introduced them to Teba and Saki, Teba being the new Champion of the Rito, and Saki the ever-observant wife of the Rito champion.

The group of heroes made haste to the elder, who sat in his own hut, hunched over looking at the snowy plains off in the distance.

"Kaneli!" Wild announced, walking to the sitting elder.

"Champion! How are you? You've been gone for quite a while." Kaneli pondered out loud.

"Just some hero business. Speaking of, has there been anything wrong with Vah Medoh? The other Divine Beasts are acting up a bit." Wild informed fiddling with his fingers.

"Medoh has been acting up a little, I would advise speaking with Teba on her." Kaneli informed, "I have Rito Warriors stationed where there has been an increase in monsters recently, some are tougher than usual."

The group of heroes glanced at one another.

"Kaneli, would you be able to give the information about those monsters to one of my friends, while I go speak with Teba about Medoh?" Wild offered.

"Anything. I've told you before Link, you saved us all, we are in debt to you." Kaneli smiled, well what looked like a smile to Legend.

"And as I have told you Kaneli, there's no need to be." Wild smiled back up at the elder. "Twilight, come with me!"

"Right behind you, Cub." Twilight sighed, walking out with Wild.

Time shifted his attention to the elder, a kind look in his eye, "Now about those monsters..."

"Why did you ask me to come with you?" Twilight asked the younger.

"I asked Flora about me bringing either you or Time up to the divine beasts, well just the remaining two. This is super hard so I thought I could bring you along to help me...I guess." Wild flushed, looking away from the rancher.

"I'll gladly come along." Twilight spoke in a soft voice, directing to Wild who continued to look in the opposite direction.

They spent a good amount of time looking for Teba, only to find him in his house adjusting his bow. Saki looked at the two heroes and smiled, excusing herself to go find their son. Probably understanding that they need to talk to Teba alone.

"Link! You're back so soon. You caught me before I left for the Flight Range." Teba continued fixing his bow with practiced feathers, clearly having done the actions dozens of times before.

"Kaneli told me to talk to you about Medoh? Has she been acting up recently?" Wild asked, sitting down next to Teba.

"Yes, well she continues to put up the barrier like she did before you defeated the Calamity, but she never activated the lazers, unless it's to the occasional keese or stray guardian." Teba explained, handing an arrow to the other champion.

"Really? Would you mind if me and Twilight go up and see what's wrong with her?" Wild asked, moving his head to make eye contact with Rito.

"Knock yourself out kid, just don't get hurt, those lasers hurt, from experience." Teba jokes, causing a laugh to fall from Wild.

"Thank you, Teba." Wild smiled at him, earning a "No problem" back.

Twilight dipped his head the slightest bit, Wild walked on forward but before Twilight could follow, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking over he sees Teba beside him. He looked down the path the Wild was currently on.

Wild MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora