Silent Princess, Memory #9

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The light of the sun shone through the windows of the inn, Time blinked his eye open and stretched his arms above his head. Time sighed and eventually pulled the blankets away from his body, got dressed in his normal attire and headed down stairs. From the smell he can tell Wild is up and making breakfast.

The wall of the inn that separates the cooking pot from the entrance was tall enough to hide himself, who granted was pretty tall out of all the men in the group. Time was grabbing his sword that was placed by the entrance from last night, and heard the princess and Wild's voice.

"Are you sure you're okay, Link? Something seems to be on your mind." Flora spoke softly.

Wild sighed and placed something down next to the pot.

"I don't know why, but I feel like the group is hiding something." Wild spoke sadly. Flora made a small gasp from her place next to the hero. Time's breath hitched.

"I'm unsure if they are or if they aren't, Link. You heroes have a tendency to keep things close and for others to not find out. I learned that the hard way." Flora spoke.

Wild didn't seem to say anything to her but Time heard shuffling of clothes and movement coming from light feet on the stone.

"Link. I can say from experience, that it took you a long time to trust me, and even then you were selective with what you said to me, but you always listened. Like that one time when you taught me how to tame my horse, after I had been struggling with getting him to behave." Flora reminisced while side-hugging him, earning a quiet chuckle from Wild in return. Time had to prevent himself from making a fond noise at the story.

"What I mean is that people will come to you when they need help. You didn't build Terry Town all by yourself, granted you had to find the right people, but they asked you for help! People love you Link, even if you find it hard to return!" Flora hugged Wild, who didn't shy away like he usually did with the others.

"I know Zel, It's just...I don't know. I would have hoped Time and Twilight would trust me enough. It just feels like they don't trust me enough to tell me what's wrong." Wild expressed, followed by a slight sigh.

"They'll come to you when the time is right. Now, where are you guys headed next?" Flora asked.

"Mmm...We're gonna head to Rito Village, which I'm pretty excited about. I haven't seen Teba and Saiki in so long." Wild smiled.

"Those two rito have practically adopted you at this point! Tell them I said hi, and thank you for the early breakfast." Flora got up, and dusted off her pants. " I'll see you next time, Link. I'm just a simple teleport away. May the goddess smile upon you." She bid farewell.

"May the goddess smile upon you." Wild replied back.

Time took a second to think behind the wall. Wild must be feeling so much with everything going on. Time sighed and finally let his presence known. Wild was staring off into space, looking critically down at the cooking pot, cooking some sort of porridge. Time looked at the hero for a moment, he was hunched over the tiniest bit, elbows resting on his knees as he fiddled with his hands.

"Wild, are you okay?" Time asked quietly.

"Hm? Oh. I'm okay just thinking about which route we should take." Wild responded, turning to look at the pseudo leader.

"If you're sure. I'm here if you need anything." Time reassured him, earning a smile and nod from the traveler.

Soon enough the rest of the heroes trickled out of the Inn. It was slow for sure but they gathered for breakfast and soon set out for Rito village. Wild grabbed his slate and took a look at the map, determining where to stop for the day.

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