Zelda's Resentment, Memory #5

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Wind was tossing and turning all night. He eventually got up and walked out of the Inn, one of the innkeepers smiled at him and told him to take a walk around the village as a way to grow tired. He smiled and thanked the young lady.

He went right, to see a mini graveyard and a large tree that viewed Hyrule Castle. He noticed that it was slightly bigger than Twilight's. He just stared at the castle, his vision eventually turned white but he didn't feel any danger.

Wind's vision came back to him quickly, though he noticed that he was no longer near Kakariko, he stood near some old ruins and one of the many shrines that Wild talked about. He moved his eyes to rest on a blond female, who wore a royal blue, similar to Wild's tunic. He quickly noticed the royal symbol on her belt. Zelda.

Wind walked closer, seemingly invisible to the Princess. Who was examining the un-activated shrine.

"Nothing, Just as I thought." She sighed, moving the slate away from the pedestal.

"Hmm..." She continued, looking at the looming ancient technology.

"It appears that this structure was designed to be exclusively accessed by the swords chosen one." She explained into the air, she had a very nice accent, one that Wind hadn't heard before, it sort of calmed him.

"But designs can always be worked around, at least I hope." She continued while looking back down at the shrine.

Wind smiled, she seemed really intelligent. Wild's Zelda had the same free spirit as him, though she knows boundaries. Wind's smile dropped when he noticed that Wild was nowhere. This was his memory if he recalled what Impa had said before.

"How do I get inside...? I need to get inside somehow." Zelda expressed while moving back.

A horse was heard neighing, making Zelda avert her attention to the new presence. Wind turned around and looked at a less stressed Wild, who held no scars and shorter hair, further emphasizing the fact that he was a young soldier, leaving a sour feeling in Wind's mouth.

Wild dismantled his horse, and walked towards the princess without talking. To Wind, seeing the young Wild was quite a shock, his hair was much shorter, he didn't have the pink scar that painted on his face. He looked as stoic as ever, but now you could tell emotion through his eyes, the knight standing in front of him, you couldn't. Wind felt slightly uncomfortable.

Wind glanced at Zelda, wondering how she reacted to Wild. Wind was expecting a relieved face, but he was met with one of anger and annoyance. Wind was totally confusing. Sure Tetra was a little rough, but she never out right showed her hatred to someone else, Wind wonders if it was from being a pirate.

"I thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort." Zelda states stomping towards the hero.

"It seems I'm the only one with a mind of my own," Zelda started, placing her hands on her hips. "I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the king's orders."

"Return to the castle, and tell that to my father please." Zelda started walking to her horse, causing Wild to walk behind her, still silent.

"And stop following me!" The princess shouted, Wind's vision went white.

Suddenly he was back in Kakariko, standing near the tree looking at Hyrule Castle. His gaze fixed on the rebuilt castle. He continued to look at the night, and the massive world of Wild's.

Twilight woke up, he felt something off. He noticed that Wild had somehow, once again taken his pelt in the middle of the night, making him silently chuckle. A new habit that the young hero fo the Wild had picked up along their journey. Once he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he noticed Wind was missing. Not wanting to alert the others, he started searching quietly.

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