Chapter 6: Cinema with friends

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"Come on, you gays, the film is starting in 10", Darcy yelled.

"It's not our fault Nick and Charlie are always late, probably getting all disgustingly coupley when they should be getting ready and moving their asses here", anwered an exhausted Tao while trying to run.

"Hey! Stop blaming us, we didn't even pick the film but we came cause you almost threaten us to!", Charlie replied.

"Just stop arguing and run faster, you two!", Elle said.

"Yes, mom", all of them said together.

But yeah, let's put away that they were in fact being Nick-and-Charlie mode. The famous talk about taking things a step further hadn't happen yet, though.

"Hey so, are your mates coming too, Nick?", Tara asked.

"Yeah, Sai, Christian and Otis shuld be there already, I think"

Actually it was gonna be a big group meeting at the cinema. Sahar, Isaac and Imogen were going with all of them too.

"Hey guys, should we just go inside then?", Otis said.

"The film better be worth it Tao, cause I could be with the book I'm currently reading right now", said Isaac.

"I'm just gonna get some popcorn", Sahar told them, "anyone wants something?"

"Yeah, let's get some", Imogen said.

And they ended up taking A LOT FOR EVERYONE. Big group hang for a film needs big snacks, you know.

Just before going in, Christian went to take Sai's hand in his and there was a moment of silence.

"So... just wanted to tell you all that... Sai and I are together"

"I'm not even sure what I am, neither does Chris, but yeah... I guess we're kinda boyfriends now?"

"Jonesy, we've got another two!" Darcy exclaimed and just kissed Tara.

And then they were all congratulating them and Nick and Charlie just looked at each other with joy.

"Looks like the rugby team is as straight as a circle now, haha!", Charlie said.

And laugh filled the air completely. Yayyy queers!!!

"Now I'm feeling lonely", Imogen said, "but you know, I'm obviously not like homophobic, I'm an ally!"

Tara, Darcy and Elle laughed harder than anyone remembering the famous quote.

"Just come to us if you need anything, okay?", Nick said to Christian and Sai

So it was finally film time, but it kinda looked pretty romantic. Although the film Tao chose for all them to see was not very much like that.

For Elle and Tao, it wasn't the first time at the cinema being oficially together, but they just seemed to remember that date very clearly and were kind of in the same state as back then.

For Elle and Tao, it wasn't the first time at the cinema being oficially together, but they just seemed to remember that date very clearly and were kind of in the same state as back then

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