Chapter 13: Prom part 2

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When they woke up it was a few hours later. The exhausment, mainly emotional, was now a bit counteracted.

"Did you sleep well, baby?"

"Cuddling my wonderful boyfriend and laying next to him after an full-on emotional display? Definitely"

"Feeling better then?"

"Yeah, I think so, I just needed to let it all out"

"You can always do that with me, if you want to, okay?"

"I know... it's just... hard sometimes. But you're the person I trust the most like... ever"

"You're the same to me"

"Why are we like this?"

"No idea"

"Do you wanna kiss?"

"I don't think I could ever say no to that"

A bit later Nick and Charlie just walked downstairs to find the whole Spring family gathered in the kitchen.

"Nick! How are you, boy?", said Julio.

"F-fine, just wanted to see Charlie for a bit"

"Can Nick stay for dinner?", asked Olly.

"Oh... I should probably just head home, it's getting a bit late", he said.

"As you wish, is everything fine with you two, then?", Jane said.

"Y-yes, we just needed to talk for a bit, but yeah... everything's gonna be perfect", answered Charlie himself.

They all said goodbye and Charlie just followed Nick to the front door.

"So... see you tomorrow at school"

"Yeah, of course. You know I'm just a message away if you need me, right?"

"I know, just wish you were staying with me instead. But I don't think my parents will agree with that. I'll try to ask them if at the Prom night, since we're probably not going, we can at least... If you want to, of course"

"Char, of course I want to, I'll always will. Nothing like a fucking Prom is gonna make me change. See you tomorrow, then"

"Love you, rugby lad"

"Love you more, my wonderful gay nerd"

And then Nick just went back home. What Charlie didn't know was that The Prom Plan was already happening. And our fav queer squad was not doing it alone. Mr Ajayi and Mr Farouk were helping them too.

The morning after, Nick arrived at school pretty early. It was getting harder to keep the secret to Charlie. But surprising him was his bigger desire, so he went for it.

"We didn't even have a chance to do this when we were your age, so now we're definitely taking it"

"We might get in trouble if we're found instigating students, but who cares? We're not gonna be sitting and doing nothing"

"Wow, Youseff, who would have said you'd be such a rebel?"

"And you probably like it, Nathan"

"I do"

"Um... sorry for... interrupting, but I think we're done now", said Naomi.

"Hope you like it, Nick", said Felix.

"WOW, I LOVE IT, THANK YOU SO MUCH, THIS IS JUST PERFECT", answered a very excited Nick Nelson himself.

"I told you they're the best, this banner is so Nick&Charlie-coded in the most disgustingly cute way"

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